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[英]Strongly typed metadata in MEF2 (System.Composition)

I'm using the System.Composition namespace from the MEF for web and Windows Store apps NuGet package in a new ASP.NET MVC4 project. 我在新的ASP.NET MVC4项目中使用来自MEF的System.Composition命名空间用于Web和Windows应用商店应用NuGet包

I've read that in MEF2 you no longer use Lazy<IExtension, IExtensionMetadata> , but now you must provide a concrete type for the metadata view (and possibly use ExportFactory<> instead of Lazy<> ?). 我已经读过 ,在MEF2中你不再使用Lazy<IExtension, IExtensionMetadata> ,但是现在你必须为元数据视图提供一个具体的类型(并且可能使用ExportFactory <>而不是Lazy <>?)。

However, I can't find any examples of how this should all work - just a few mentions of using a concrete type instead of an interface. 但是,我找不到任何关于它应该如何工作的例子 - 只是提到使用具体类型而不是接口。

I've tried a few things, but keep getting the following error - " Export metadata for 'AccountID' is missing and no default value was supplied ". 我尝试了一些事情,但不断收到以下错误 - “ 缺少'AccountID'的导出元数据,并且没有提供默认值 ”。

My code... 我的代码......

Creating the container (in Global.asax or App_Start folder): 创建容器(在Global.asax或App_Start文件夹中):

// Get assemblies that will be providing imports and exports
var assemblies = GetAssemblies();

// Get conventions that will be used to find imports and exports
var conventions = GetConventions();

var container = new ContainerConfiguration().WithAssemblies(assemblies, conventions).CreateContainer();

// Create and apply a MefControllerFactory so controllers can be composed
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new MefControllerFactory(container));

GetConventions() method: GetConventions()方法:

private static ConventionBuilder GetConventions()
    var conventionBuilder = new ConventionBuilder();

    conventionBuilder.ForTypesMatching(t => t.Namespace != null && t.Namespace.EndsWith(".Parts")).Export().ExportInterfaces();

    return conventionBuilder;

IExtension.cs: IExtension.cs:

public interface IExtension
    void DoWork();

ExtensionMetadata.cs: ExtensionMetadata.cs:

public class ExtensionMetadata
    public int AccountID { get; set; }

ExtensionA.cs (same as ExtensionB.cs): ExtensionA.cs(与ExtensionB.cs相同):

public void DoWork()
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ExtensionA doing work..");

ExtensionManager.cs: ExtensionManager.cs:

public class ExtensionManager
    private IEnumerable<ExportFactory<IExtension, ExtensionMetadata>> _extensions;

    public ExtensionManager(IEnumerable<ExportFactory<IExtension, ExtensionMetadata>> extensions)
        _extensions = extensions;

    public void DoWork(int accountID)
        foreach (var extension in _extensions)
            if (extension.Metadata.AccountID == accountID)

I think I'm missing something quite major here. 我想我在这里缺少一些非常重要的东西。 Basically I want to lazily import all Extensions, check their metadata and if a condition is fulfilled have that extension do something. 基本上我想懒洋洋地导入所有扩展,检查他们的元数据,如果条件满足,该扩展做什么。

Would really appreciate your feedback or any links to sample code / tutorials that cover my scenario. 非常感谢您的反馈或任何涵盖我的场景的示例代码/教程的链接。

Many thanks! 非常感谢!

I think I've worked it out after reading this SO question . 我想在读完这个问题后我已经解决了。

I created a Metadata Attribute: 我创建了一个元数据属性:

public class ExtensionMetadataAttribute : ExportAttribute, IExtensionMetadata
    public int AccountID { get; set; }

    public ExtensionMetadataAttribute(int accountID) : base(typeof (IExtension))
        AccountID = accountID;

Then modified ExtensionA.cs: 然后修改了ExtensionA.cs:

public class ExtensionA : IExtension
    public void DoWork()
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ExtensionA doing work..");

And now ExtensionManager.cs looks like this: 现在ExtensionManager.cs看起来像这样:

public class ExtensionManager : IExtensionManager
    private readonly IEnumerable<ExportFactory<IExtension, ExtensionMetadata>> _extensions;

    public ExtensionManager(IEnumerable<ExportFactory<IExtension, ExtensionMetadata>> extensions)
        _extensions = extensions;

    public void DoWork(int accountID)
        foreach (var extension in _extensions)
            if (extension.Metadata.AccountID == accountID)
                using (var foo = extension.CreateExport())

This seems to do the trick, but I would still be interested in any feedback re best practices, performance issues etc. 这似乎可以解决问题,但我仍然会对任何反馈最佳实践,性能问题等感兴趣。

Thanks! 谢谢!

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