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[英]How to get model attributes within a view in Backbone.js?

I am trying to pass a model as parameter in a view. 我试图将模型作为参数传递给视图。 I am getting my object in the view, but no way to access its attributes... Here is the code : 我在视图中获取对象,但无法访问其属性...以下是代码:

From the router : 从路由器:

var Product = new ProductModel({id: id});
var product_view = new ProductView({el: $("#main-content"), model: Product});

From the model : 从模型:

var ProductModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: ''

From the view : 从视图来看:

ProductView = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function(){
    render: function(){
        var options = {
            id: this.model.id,
            name: this.model.get('name'),
            publication_start_date: this.model.get('publication_start_date'),
            publication_end_date: this.model.get('publication_end_date'),
            description: this.model.get('description'),
            applis_more: this.model.get('applis_more')
        var element = this.$el;
        var that = this;
        $.get('templates/product.html', function(data){
            var template = _.template(data, options);

Here is the result of the "console.log": 这是“console.log”的结果:

child {attributes: Object, _escapedAttributes: Object, cid: "c1", changed: Object, _silent: Object…}
Competences: child
Editor: child
Hobbies: child
Opinions: child
_changing: false
_escapedAttributes: Object
_pending: Object
_previousAttributes: Object
_silent: Object
attributes: Object
createdDate: null
deletedDate: null
descriptionId: 0
galleryImage: null
id: 13
image: null
manufacturerId: 0
name: "sdf"
owner: 0
status: 0
thumbnail: null
titleId: 0
type: 1
uid: "fdsf"
updatedDate: null
__proto__: Object
changed: Object
cid: "c1"
id: 13
__proto__: ctor

In my view, all my options are "undefined" (name, dates,...) 在我看来,我的所有选项都是“未定义”(名称,日期,......)

Any idea on what I am doing wrong ? 对我做错了什么的想法?

After creating the initial model, you're immediately creating the view using 创建初始模型后,您将立即使用创建视图

var product_view = new ProductView({..., model: Product});

In the initialize method of ProductView , you're calling this.render() , which in turn reads and renders values from the model - most of these values are undefined (because the server did not have sufficient time to send back the model's values). ProductViewinitialize方法中,您调用this.render() ,然后从模型中读取和呈现值 - 这些值中的大部分都是undefined (因为服务器没有足够的时间来发回模型的值) 。
Don't call this.render() directly, but bind an event, eg: 不要直接调用this.render() ,而是绑定一个事件,例如:

// in ProductView::initialize
this.model.on('sync', function() {
}, this);

You might also want to bind the change event, so that local (not synchronizsed yet) changes to the model are also reflected in the view. 您可能还希望绑定change事件,以便对模型的本地(尚未同步)更改也反映在视图中。 (An overview of Backbone events can be found here .) (可以在此处找到Backbone事件的概述。)

Because Product.fetch() happens asynchronously, you'll want to create the view once the data has been retrieved from the server: 因为Product.fetch()是异步发生的,所以一旦从服务器检索到数据,您就会想要创建视图:

var Product = new ProductModel({id: id});
var product_view;
Product.fetch().done(function() {
    product_view = new ProductView({el: $("#main-content"), model: Product});

Product.fetch() is an asynchronous call, so my guess is that the fetch has not completed yet when you initialize the view. Product.fetch()是一个异步调用,所以我猜测初始化视图时fetch还没有完成。 What you probably want to do is use fetch's success + error callbacks, to assure the model has data in it before rendering anything 您可能想要做的是使用fetch的成功+错误回调,以确保模型在呈现任何内容之前包含数据

http://backbonejs.org/#Model-fetch http://backbonejs.org/#Model-fetch

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