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将二进制数据从Python传递到C API扩展

[英]Passing binary data from Python to C API extension

I'm writing a Python ( 2.6 ) extension, and I have a situation where I need to pass an opaque binary blob (with embedded null bytes) to my extension. 我正在编写一个Python( 2.6 )扩展,我有一种情况需要将不透明的二进制blob(带有嵌入的空字节)传递给我的扩展。

Here is a snippet of my code: 这是我的代码片段:

from authbind import authenticate

creds = 'foo\x00bar\x00'

which throws the following: 抛出以下内容:

TypeError: argument 1 must be string without null bytes, not str

Here is some of authbind.cc: 以下是authbind.cc的一些内容:

static PyObject* authenticate(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {

    const char* creds;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &creds))
        return NULL;

So far, I have tried passing the blob as a raw string, like creds = '%r' % creds , but that not only gives me embedded quotes around the string but also turns the \\x00 bytes into their literal string representations, which I do not want to mess around with in C. 到目前为止,我已经尝试将blob作为原始字符串传递,如creds = '%r' % creds ,但这不仅给了我字符串周围的嵌入式引号,而且还将\\x00字节转换为它们的字面字符串表示形式,我不想在C里搞乱。

How can I accomplish what I need? 我怎样才能完成我的需要? I know about the y , y# and y* PyArg_ParseTuple() format characters in 3.2, but I am limited to 2.6. 我知道3.2中的yy#y* PyArg_ParseTuple()格式字符,但我限于2.6。

Ok, I figured out a with the help of this link . 好的,我在这个链接的帮助下想出了一个。

I used a PyByteArrayObject (docs here ) like this: 我用了一个PyByteArrayObject (文档在这里 )是这样的:

from authbind import authenticate

creds = 'foo\x00bar\x00'

And then in the extension code: 然后在扩展代码中:

static PyObject* authenticate(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {

    PyByteArrayObject *creds;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &creds))
        return NULL;

    char* credsCopy;
    credsCopy = PyByteArray_AsString((PyObject*) creds);

credsCopy now holds the string of bytes, exactly as they are needed. credsCopy现在保存字节串,完全符合它们的要求。

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