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[英]Close what is already already running when running in eclipse

i was wondering if in eclipse there is a way for eclipse, when you press the play button(run), it closes the already running program.我想知道在 Eclipse 中是否有 Eclipse 的方法,当你按下播放按钮(运行)时,它会关闭已经运行的程序。 For example, if anyone has every used Dr. Java, when you click run it basically closes all the running, compiled, programs and opens what ever you want to run.例如,如果有人用过 Dr.Java,当您单击运行时,它基本上会关闭所有正在运行的、已编译的程序,并打开您想要运行的任何程序。 I was hopinmg there is a way to do this in eclipse because i often forget to close the program before running a modified version.我希望在 eclipse 中有一种方法可以做到这一点,因为我经常忘记在运行修改后的版本之前关闭程序。

Also in Dr. Java it says something around the lines of "resetting interactions pane" so if that helps?同样在 Java 博士中,它围绕“重置交互窗格”的行说了一些事情,所以如果有帮助的话?

Open the Debug View and you can kill all of the running processes launched from Eclipse. 打开Debug视图,您可以终止从Eclipse启动的所有正在运行的进程。 Debug ** Perspective **的图片,但您可以从任何地方打开View

Go to Window->Preferences->Run/Debug->Launching , and check Terminate and Relaunch while launching .转到Window->Preferences->Run/Debug->Launching ,然后选中Terminate and Relaunch while launching

终止并重新启动 Eclipse 可视化

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