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[英]Aligning div right next to the list items

I am trying to create div elements and print items on to them dynamically. 我正在尝试创建div元素并动态地打印它们。 I've created a demo to show where I've reached. 我已经创建了一个演示来展示我到达的地方。

The issue with my code is that it doesn't show up right next to the list where I want it. 我的代码的问题是它不会出现在我想要的列表旁边。 Instead it is displayed at the bottom. 相反,它显示在底部。 Is it possible to show the new div right next to the element that I'm hovering over? 是否有可能在我正在盘旋的元素旁边显示新的div

    mouseenter : function() {
    mouseleave : function() {
    <li><span class="bubble" id="test1">test1</span></li>
    <li><span class="bubble" id="test2">test2</span></li>
    <li><span class="bubble" id="test3">test3</span></li>
    <li><span class="bubble" id="test4">test4</span></li>
    <li><span class="bubble" id="test5">test5</span></li>
<div id="bubble"></div>

You need to set the position of #bubble relative to the li which is being moused over. 您需要设置#bubble相对于被鼠标悬停的li的位置。 Try this: 试试这个:

$("ul").on('hover', '.bubble', function(e) {
    if (e.type == 'mouseenter') {
        var $el = $(this);
                top: $el.offset().top,
                left: $el.offset().left + $el.width()
    else {

Example fiddle 示例小提琴

Note that I have removed the use of live() as it has been deprecated, and used on() with a delegate instead. 请注意,我已经删除了live()的使用,因为它已被弃用,而是on()使用了委托。 Also I used the hover event. 我还使用了hover事件。

What about a pure CSS solution? 纯CSS解决方案怎么样?


    <span class="bubble" id="test1">test1</span>
    <span class="bubble" id="test2">test2</span>
    <span class="bubble" id="test3">test3</span>
    <span class="bubble" id="test4">test4</span>
    <span class="bubble" id="test5">test5</span>


ul li div {
    width: 100px;
    height: 10px;
    background-color: #666666;
    position: absolute;  
    display: none;

ul li:hover div {
    display: inline;   

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/H2ZMc/ JSFiddle: http//jsfiddle.net/H2ZMc/

Hope this helps: 希望这可以帮助:

JS-Fiddle Demo JS-Fiddle演示

I append the #bubble to the li 我将#bubble附加到li上

           mouseenter : function() {
            mouseleave : function() {


Try this: 试试这个:

var bubble = $("#bubble");

    mouseenter : function(e) {    

    mouseleave : function() {

What this does is appends the bubble element to the element on which the mouse is over. 这样做是将bubble元素追加到鼠标所在的元素上。 By applying display: inline to the div you can make it appear beside its sibling instead of below it as it will do if you use this code directly. 通过对div应用display: inline ,你可以让它显示在它的兄弟旁边而不是它下面,就像你直接使用这个代码一样。

Do what Mica said and also remove the position:absolute; 做Mica所说的并删除位置:绝对;

So css should be 所以css应该是

display: inline;
float: left;

display: inline;
float: left;   

http://jsfiddle.net/y44dR/21/ http://jsfiddle.net/y44dR/21/

Why use .on() when the #bubble element already exists. #bubble元素已经存在时,为什么要使用.on()

$(".bubble").hover( function( ) {

    var offset = $(this).offset();

        .css({ top: offset.top, left: offset.left + $(this).width() })
}, function( ) {

Fiddle here 在这里小提琴

If you give the <ul> and the <div> the following styles it should work. 如果你给<ul><div>以下样式,它应该工作。

display: inline;
float: left;
    mouseenter: function() {

        var p = $(this).position();
        $("#bubble").css({left: p.left + $(this).outerWidth(), top: p.top });
    mouseleave: function() {
        $("#bubble").empty().css({top: '', left: ''});

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