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[英]How to automatic confirm a call in telpromt confirm call alertview

im trying to make a call through the telpromt command: 我试图通过telpromt命令打电话:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"telprompt://123456789"]]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@“ telprompt:// 123456789”]];

The problem is, that when de code is run, it displays an UIAlertView not of my property, asking to confirm the call. 问题是,运行代码时,它显示不是我的属性的UIAlertView,要求确认调用。 It has to buttons: Cancel and Call. 它必须具有按钮:“取消”和“呼叫”。 I want to programatically press the call button in the AlertView. 我想以编程方式在AlertView中按下通话按钮。

Is it possible ? 可能吗 ?

Thanks ! 谢谢 !

iOS does this to protect the user from malicious applications which would try to make random calls. iOS这样做是为了保护用户免受试图进行随机调用的恶意应用程序的侵害。 Anytime there are integrations to the phone, SMS, twitter, facebook, etc. apple requires the user to accept and allow the application to perform the action. 只要集成了电话,SMS,Twitter,Facebook等,Apple就会要求用户接受并允许应用程序执行操作。 This is why the iPhone displays a UIAlertView asking the user wether they really want to make a call to the phone number you're providing. 这就是为什么iPhone显示UIAlertView询问用户是否真的要拨打您提供的电话号码的原因。

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