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[英]PreventDefault Not Working

I am trying to use a preventDefault action on some hyperlinks to prevent them being activated, instead calling some ajax. 我正在尝试对某些超链接使用preventDefault操作,以防止它们被激活,而是调用一些Ajax。 However it doesn't seem to work. 但是,它似乎不起作用。

The code I am using is as follows: I have the following code: 我使用的代码如下:我有以下代码:

    $("#" + container_id + " a[id^=read_more_link]").click(function(event){

Now what is interesting is the alert box fires so its definitely registering the click event, however it does not seem to recognise the preventDefault() call. 现在有趣的是,警报框将触发,因此它肯定注册了click事件,但是它似乎无法识别preventDefault()调用。

I tried a simple test simplifying my code and it still does not work: 我尝试了一个简单的测试来简化我的代码,但仍然无法正常工作:

<a id="read_more_link" data-article_id="1" href="news/1">Read More</a>

    $("#read_more_link").on("click", function(event){

Alert box fires but then page follows the link still. 警报框会触发,但是页面仍会跟随链接。

Note: It works If I use 'Return False' but not with preventDefault 注意:如果我使用“ Return False”但不使用preventDefault,则可以使用

Here you are! 这个给你!

    e = e || window.event;

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/rXCcB/2/ 小提琴: http : //jsfiddle.net/rXCcB/2/

Edit: As 11684 correctly pointed out, a detailed explanation would be helpful. 编辑:正如11684正确指出的那样,详细的说明会有所帮助。

Some browsers recognize e as a window.event , which contains all the information on an event; 一些浏览器将e识别为window.event ,其中包含有关事件的所有信息。 in this case, the click event you're trying to manipulate. 在这种情况下,就是您要操纵的click事件。 A few other browsers don't, so what happens at the first step in the function is a normalization across all browsers on the definition of e . 其他一些浏览器则没有,因此该函数的第一步是在所有浏览器上对e的定义进行标准化。 End result is that every reference to e points to window.event , at which point you can safely use e.preventDefault() , knowing that all browsers understand exactly what you mean. 最终结果是,每个对e引用都指向window.event ,这时您可以安全地使用e.preventDefault() ,知道所有浏览器都完全理解您的意思。

It seems that you are preventing the default action of the link which has some parent, then your selector should be like this: 看来您正在阻止具有某些父项的链接的默认操作,然后选择器应如下所示:

my html is: 我的html是:

<p id='aaa'>
   <a id='read_more_link' href='#'>adf</a>

the jquery: jQuery的:

var container_id = $('#aaa');
$("a[id^='read_more_link']", container_id).click(function(event) {

Checkout the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/EEZEe/ 查看小提琴: http//jsfiddle.net/EEZEe/

see if this help you out. 看看这是否对您有帮助。

There is at least one easier, and one better way of doing it: 至少有一种更简单,更好的方法:

Easier: 更轻松:

$("#" + container_id + " a[id^=read_more_link]").click(function(){
    return false;

No need to use the event parameter, and no need to call a function. 无需使用event参数,也无需调用函数。

Better: 更好:

Use a button instead of a link: 使用按钮代替链接:

<p id='aaa'>
   <button id='read_more_link' type='button'>adf</button>

Then you don't run into this problem, since a button is made for exactly this - events. 那么您就不会遇到这个问题,因为正是为此按钮(事件)。 Links are made for linking, and return false or preventDefault() are, while they may work, workarounds. 建立链接以进行链接, return falsepreventDefault()是可行的解决方法。

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