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[英]Getting error 413 Request Entity Too Large when using SSL, after a few minutes of inactivity

This past Monday we pushed out a new ASP.NET website to our production server for use by the public. 在上周一,我们将一个新的ASP.NET网站推送到我们的生产服务器供公众使用。 One section of the site provides a wizard type interface, each step requesting a fairly small amount of input from the user. 该站点的一部分提供向导类型界面,每个步骤请求来自用户的相当少量的输入。 Each step of the wizard is it's own user control. 向导的每个步骤都是它自己的用户控件。 As the user moves through the steps, their input is saved to the viewstate, the current control is hidden, and the next is made visible. 当用户移动步骤时,他们的输入被保存到视图状态,当前控件被隐藏,下一个被显示。 They of course can go back if need be. 如果需要,他们当然可以回去。

Overall, everything is running smooth given the amount of use we're seeing, but we have had two users call in to say that as they tried to move from one step to the next, they were given the message "Request Entity Too Large". 总的来说,考虑到我们看到的使用量,一切都运行顺畅,但我们有两个用户打电话说,当他们试图从一个步骤移动到另一个步骤时,他们被给予消息“请求实体太大” 。 I gathered all of their input, and went through myself trying to recreate the problem. 我收集了他们所有的意见,并试图重新创建问题。

In both cases I went through several times, and everything worked without issue. 在这两种情况下,我经历了几次,一切都没有问题。 During another test run, I got a phone call, and was sidetracked for about 5 minutes. 在另一次测试运行期间,我接到了一个电话,并且被拉了大约5分钟。 When I went to pick up where I left off, I then got the same error. 当我去往我离开的地方时,我得到了同样的错误。 I then tried again, purposely waiting for a few minutes at one step in the process, and got the error again. 然后我再次尝试,故意在过程中的一个步骤等待几分钟,并再次得到错误。 This was a different step then where I had paused the last time. 这是一个不同的步骤,然后我最后一次暂停。

I'm wondering if inactivity can actually contribute to the problem, and if increasing the "uploadReadAheadSize" value in IIS is the correct solution, or if we can somehow correct the problem in the application itself. 我想知道不活动是否真的可以解决问题,如果在IIS中增加“uploadReadAheadSize”值是正确的解决方案,或者我们可以以某种方式纠正应用程序本身的问题。 Thanks. 谢谢。

We experienced a similar problem recently, and we made the following changes: 我们最近遇到了类似的问题,我们做了以下更改:

  1. Increased the uploadReadAheadSize (as you mentioned) 增加了uploadReadAheadSize(正如你所提到的)
  2. Updated IIS7 SSL Settings to Ignore the Client Certificate. 更新了IIS7 SSL设置以忽略客户端证书。

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