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[英]Perform class method on Class object

I've got an instance of the Class class, obtained by calling the class method (example below). 我有一个Class类的实例,可以通过调用class方法获得(下面的示例)。 With that instance i'd like to call a class ( + .. ) method on that. 对于那个实例,我想在其上调用类( + .. )方法。

Callee 被呼叫者

Class foo = [FooBar class];
SEL selector = @selector(doSomething:)
// Call somehow?

FooBar Definition FooBar定义

@implementation FooBar

+ (void)doSomething:(id)argument { .. }


Is there any way of doing this? 有什么办法吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Class foo = [FooBar class];
[foo doSomething];

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