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[英]Generic Method in Non-Generic Class

I am trying to use a generic method so I don't have to repeat code. 我试图使用泛型方法,所以我不必重复代码。 I have tried: 我试过了:

private Listener createListenerAdapter(Class<T> clazz)
   // do something

( clazz being important because class is reserved). clazz很重要,因为class是保留的)。

But Netbeans complains that : "Cannot find symbol class T". 但Netbeans抱怨说:“找不到符号类T”。

I am going to be passing in a few different classes that have the same methods on them. 我将要传递一些具有相同方法的不同类。 Where am I supposed to define T? 我应该在哪里定义T?

Declare the method as: 将方法声明为:

private <T> Listener createListenerAdapter(Class<T> clazz)

See the Java Tutorials for more information. 有关更多信息,请参阅Java教程

Edit: If T isn't related to the return type you could also just use a wildcard: 编辑:如果T与返回类型无关,您也可以使用通配符:

private Listener createListenerAdapter(Class<?> clazz)

Edit 1: If clazz is meant to represent a type of Listener , you could define bounds to restrict the caller (to avoid casts and potential runtime exceptions): 编辑1:如果clazz用于表示一种Listener ,您可以定义边界来限制调用者(以避免强制转换和潜在的运行时异常):

private <L extends Listener> L createListenerAdapter(Class<L> clazz)

Or with the wildcard: 或者使用通配符:

private Listener createListenerAdapter(Class<? extends Listener> clazz)

But that depends on how clazz is used in the body. 但这取决于如何在身体中使用clazz

Generic declarations can also be made at method-level by parametrizing them like this: 通用声明也可以通过参数化它们在方法级别进行,如下所示:

private <T> Listener createListenerAdapter(Class<T> clazz)
   // do something

If you're not using the type (unlikely, but you may be trying to avoid a raw type warning): 如果您没有使用该类型(不太可能,但您可能尝试避免原始类型警告):

private Listener createListenerAdapter(Class<?> clazz)
   // do something, without knowing the T of the clazz

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