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[英]Can't scroll UITableView to bottom

This is what happens, so you can see: http://youtu.be/v1HrxYhzJZY . 这就是发生的事情,所以你可以看到:http: //youtu.be/v1HrxYhzJZY

This is my scenario: 这是我的情景:
I have a UITableView with 5 sections and 12 cells. 我有一个UITableView有5个部分和12个单元格。 This view is opened with a push segue and everything works fine, it scrolls, etc. 这个视图是用push segue打开的,一切正常,滚动等等。

Three of those cells open a MKMapView view (through a push segue ) another pops up a MFMailComposeViewController . 其中三个单元格打开MKMapView视图(通过push segue ),另一个单元格弹出一个MFMailComposeViewController

When I try to go back to my UITableView I'm no longer able to scroll to the bottom. 当我尝试回到我的UITableView我无法再滚动到底部。 I can only scroll a bit and then it returns to the top of my tableview. 我只能滚动一下 ,然后返回到我的tableview的顶部。

I tried to set the frame size on viewWillAppear , I tried to reload the tableView but it doesn't work! 我试图在viewWillAppear上设置帧大小,我试图重新加载tableView但它不起作用!
What could cause this issue? 什么可能导致这个问题?

My implementation are: 我的实施是:

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    loaded = NO;

    NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"my_url", self.userID]];
    NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
    AFJSONRequestOperation *operation = [AFJSONRequestOperation JSONRequestOperationWithRequest:request success:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, id JSON) {
        loaded = YES;

        self.user = JSON;
        [self setUserValues];

        [self.tableView reloadData];

    } failure:nil];

    [operation start];

    [super viewDidLoad];

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewWillAppear:animated];

    [self.tableView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 420)];

I solved that issue by myself with this simple code: 我用这个简单的代码自己解决了这个问题:

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];

    [self.tableView reloadData];

Thanks anyway! 不管怎么说,还是要谢谢你!

The viewWillAppear: method is too early to scroll the table view. viewWillAppear:方法太早,无法滚动表视图。 The view hasn't been added to the on-screen view hierarchy and laid out yet. 视图尚未添加到屏幕视图层次结构中并已布局。 Try doing it in viewDidLayoutSubviews . 尝试在viewDidLayoutSubviews执行此操作。


[tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:desiredRow inSection:desiredSection] atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:NO];

To scroll the tableView, which inherits from UIScrollView , you need to use [self.tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0,100) animated:YES]; 要滚动继承自UIScrollView的tableView,您需要使用[self.tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0,100) animated:YES]; and not the setContentSize 而不是setContentSize

I experienced this too. 我也经历过这个。 Coming back from the child view, the table view was no longer scrollable (it would always bounce to the top). 从子视图返回,表视图不再可滚动(它总是会反弹到顶部)。 My child view doesn't have a map view like yours. 我的孩子视图没有像你这样的地图视图。

Reloading the table view didn't fix it for me. 重新加载表视图并不能解决它。

The bug only showed in iOS 7, not 6.1. 该错误仅在iOS 7中显示,而不是6.1。

I was accessing topLayoutGuide ... removing that access (just a property read!) fixed the issue. 我正在访问topLayoutGuide ...删除该访问权限(只是一个属性读取!)解决了这个问题。 WTF! WTF! Must be a magic property. 必须是一个神奇的财产。

I also met this problem yesterday! 我昨天也遇到了这个问题! And I have fixed it just now! 我刚才修好了!

I dragged a UITableView to the UIViewController and simply chose add missing contraints . 我将UITableView拖到UIViewController上,只是选择add missing contraints When I ran the app, the UITableView could not scroll to bottom. 当我运行应用程序时,UITableView无法滚动到底部。

I googled it and saw a similar question in Stackoverflow . 我用Google搜索并在Stackoverflow中看到了类似的问题

Then I checked the contraints for the UITableView, I found there was a contraint setted the fixed height for the UITableView. 然后我检查了UITableView的约束,我发现有一个禁令设置了UITableView的固定高度。 Then I removed the contraint and added another one: Bottom Space to: Bottom Layout Guide = 0 . 然后我删除了约束并添加了另一个: Bottom Space to: Bottom Layout Guide = 0

The solution works for me. 解决方案适合我。

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