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[英]IndexError: index out of range

I have a loop that runs 16 times because there's 16 lines in the file it reads from, I'm using a loop to, among other things, read the first two characters of the time stamp. 我有一个循环可以运行16次,因为它读取的文件中有16行,因此我正在使用一个循环来读取时间戳的前两个字符。 But I can't figure out how to keep the n variable from reaching 17. I've tried to use while conditions to limit n to 16 but to no avail. 但是我无法弄清楚如何使n变量不达到17。我试图使用while条件将n限制为16,但无济于事。 Here is my entire function, I'm trying to animate the path of hurricane Irene as detailed at http://calicoproject.org/Calico_Python_GIS : 这是我的全部功能,我正在尝试动画艾琳飓风的路径,如http://calicoproject.org/Calico_Python_GIS所述

def drawIrene(win):
line = Line()
n = 0
for (x,y) in dots:
    time_stamp[n] = time_stamp[n][:2]
    time_stamp[n+1] = time_stamp[n+1][:2]
    time1 = abs(int(time_stamp[n]) - 12)
    time2 = abs(int(time_stamp[n+1]) - 12)
    wait_time = abs(int(time1) - int(time2))
    x, y = ll2xy(x, y)
    c = Circle(Point(x, y), int(eye_size[n]))
    c.fill = Color(255, 255, 0, 62)
    t = Polygon((x, y), (x+10, y+5), (x+int(movement_speed[n]), y-int(movement_speed[n])/2))
    t.fill = Color("orange")
    #print (wait_time)
    if n < len(dots):
        n += 1
line.border = 2

The issue is that you're looping over two sequences of the same length, dots and time_stamp . 问题是您要遍历两个相同长度的dotsdotstime_stamp However, you're looking ahead in the time_stamp sequence, accessing both the current item and the next item in order to calculate the wait_time value. 但是,您正在按time_stamp顺序向前看,同时访问当前项和下一项以计算wait_time值。 This is causing your IndexError on the last pass through the loop, since an n+1 index points off the end of the list. 这是由于循环的最后一个遍历导致您的IndexError ,因为n+1索引指向列表的末尾。

There are a few different ways to fix this. 有几种不同的方法可以解决此问题。 You could to modify your data structures so that either dots has one fewer element, or so that time_stamp has one more. 您可以修改数据结构,以使dots少一个元素,或者使time_stamp数多一个。 Or you could simply loop one fewer time, as suggested in the comments. 或者,您也可以按照注释中的建议简单地循环一小段时间。

But I think the best solution will be to change the logic in your loop to calculate wait_time differently on either the first or last cycle. 但是我认为最好的解决方案是更改循环中的逻辑,以在第一个或最后一个周期中不同地计算wait_time For instance, you might choose to have no delay on the last cycle. 例如,您可以选择在上一个周期没有延迟。

Here's some code that does just that. 这是一些执行此操作的代码。 It special cases the last pass through, where n is equal to len(time_stamp)-1 , and simply sets wait_time to zero in that case. 特殊情况是最后一次通过,其中n等于len(time_stamp)-1 ,在这种情况下,只需将wait_time设置为零。 Note that I'm generating n from the built-in enumerate function in the for loop, so it doesn't need to be initialized to zero or updated manually: 请注意,我是通过for循环中的内置enumerate函数生成n的,因此不需要将其初始化为零或手动更新:

for n, (x, y) in enumerate(dots):
    if n < len(time_stamp)-1:
        time_stamp[n] = time_stamp[n][:2]
        time_stamp[n+1] = time_stamp[n+1][:2]
        time1 = abs(int(time_stamp[n]) - 12)
        time2 = abs(int(time_stamp[n+1]) - 12)
        wait_time = abs(int(time1) - int(time2))
    else: # special case n >= len(time_stamp)-1, which should be the last pass
        wait_time = 0
    x, y = ll2xy(x, y)
    c = Circle(Point(x, y), int(eye_size[n]))
    c.fill = Color(255, 255, 0, 62)
    t = Polygon((x, y), (x+10, y+5),
                (x+int(movement_speed[n]), y-int(movement_speed[n])/2))
    t.fill = Color("orange")

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