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[英]Save multiple images fetched in Cakephp

I am trying to save multiple images on the server. 我正在尝试在服务器上保存多个图像。 Lets start from the beginning: 让我们从头开始:

//I use this function for testing
function testSave(){

//This function takes chart_id as a parameter to render a proper chart.
function _renderChart($chart_id = null){
        return false;
    $chartFilterList = $this->getChartFilterListFromId($chart_id);
    $this->loadChartFromId($chart_id, $chartFilterList);
    $this->layout = 'analytics\chart_one.ctp';

The above function's view contains all the necessary scripts to render the chart. 上面函数的视图包含呈现图表所需的所有脚本。 This is the part that is translating the rendered chart into base64string and saves it: 这是将呈现的图表转换为base64string并将其保存的部分:

<script type="text/javascript">

And the above function's body: 而以上函数的主体:

function saveChartAsImage(div){
    var base64string = $(div).jqplotToImageStr();
        url: 'saveImage',
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "html",
        data:"data=" + base64string

} }

This is not even close to be working. 这甚至还差得远。 Am I doing something wrong here? 我在这里做错什么了吗?

If these functions are controller actions you can use $this->response->body() in controller's afterFilter() callback to get the response content and save it to file. 如果这些功能是控制器操作,则可以在控制器的afterFilter()回调中使用$this->response->body()获取响应内容并将其保存到文件中。 If these are helper functions you can get the content in afterLayout() or afterRender() callbacks of the helper using $this->_View->Blocks->get('content'); 如果这些是辅助函数,则可以使用$this->_View->Blocks->get('content');在辅助函数的afterLayout()afterRender()回调中$this->_View->Blocks->get('content');

I advise creating a behavior, and add the action beforeValidate() ; 我建议创建一个行为,然后在actionValidate()之前添加操作;
After that make the conditions necessary to invoke the specific actions (listed in your question). 之后,为调用特定操作(在问题中列出)提供必要的条件。

Example: 例:

class ChartBehavior extends ModelBehavior {

// if necessary, create a setup action
public function setup(Model $Model, $settings = array()) {  }

public function upload(Model $Model) {
    // use the $Model->data to see all information from your form

    // now call your functions below to upload

public function line_chart($chart_id = null){

public function bar_chart($chart_id = null){

public function pie_chart($chart_id = null){

I hope it helps you. 希望对您有帮助。

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