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Symfony2 - 试图在prod环境中查看我的网站导致空白屏幕;开发中没有错误/警告

[英]Symfony2 - Attempting to view my site in prod environment results in a blank screen; no errors/warnings in dev

Cross-posted from the official Symfony Google Group because time is an issue: 由官方Symfony Google Group交叉发布,因为时间问题:

I'm in the final push to upload my site to my host. 我正在努力将我的网站上传到我的主机。 Everything runs fine in the dev environment - no errors, no warnings. 在开发环境中一切运行良好 - 没有错误,没有警告。 When I attempt to access it in prod (localhost/web/app.php/), I get a blank screen. 当我尝试在prod(localhost / web / app.php /)中访问它时,我得到一个空白屏幕。 I attempted to clear the cache, to see if that would help, but got the following error: 我试图清除缓存,看看是否有帮助,但得到以下错误:

$ app/console cache:clear --env=prod

The parameter "kernel.trusted_proxies" must be defined. 

I can clear the dev cache without issue. 我可以毫无问题地清除开发缓存。

Please help. 请帮忙。

You'll need to add trusted_proxies to your config, even if it is blank. 您需要将trusted_proxies添加到您的配置中,即使它是空白的。

Within: app/config/config.yml add: 在: app/config/config.yml add:

    trusted_proxies: ~

You'll also likely want to delete your cache files ( app/cache/prod ) and then run your console cache clear ( $ app/console cache:clear --env=prod ) 您可能还想删除缓存文件( app/cache/prod )然后清除控制台缓存( $ app/console cache:clear --env=prod

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