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[英]How to use the SonataAdminBundle

I'm new to Symfony and I'm trying to create a database interface using Sonata and Doctrine ORM. 我是Symfony的新手,正在尝试使用Sonata和Doctrine ORM创建数据库接口。 At first, I`ve read this tutorial and after a few days it all start working on my VirtualBox machine Ubuntu server. 最初,我已经阅读了本教程 ,几天后,所有这些都开始在我的VirtualBox计算机Ubuntu服务器上工作。

Now, I`m trying to use the sonata admin in another bundle. 现在,我正在尝试在另一个捆绑软件中使用Sonata管理员。

So, I`ve got my SonataAdminBundle here: 所以,我在这里得到了SonataAdminBundle:


And new bundle here: 还有新的捆绑包:


I m trying to use [this man](http://symfonydev.ru/symfony-back-and-front-interfaces/) (it s on russian). m trying to use [this man](http://symfonydev.ru/symfony-back-and-front-interfaces/) (it俄语)。

Next, after I ve got working Sonata, I m created a new bundle: 接下来,在ve got working Sonata, I创建了一个新的捆绑包:

$ php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Application/MyDbBundle

You are going to generate a "Application\MyDbBundle\MyDbBundle" bundle
in "/var/www/Symfony/testsonata/src/" using the "annotation" format.

Then, I ran the following commands: 然后,我运行了以下命令:

$ php app/console doctrine:mapping:import MyDbBundle xml --filter=Link
writing /var/www/Symfony/testsonata/src/Application/MyDbBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/Link.orm.xml

$ php app/console doctrine:generate:entities --path="/var/www/Symfony/testsonata/src" MyDbBundle:Link

Generating entities for namespace "Application\MyDbBundle\Entity\Link"
  > backing up Link.php to Link.php~
  > generating Application\MyDbBundle\Entity\Link

And the last thing I was trying to do, is to create an Administrative class and a Service description 我想做的最后一件事是创建一个管理类和一个服务描述

I have created this file /var/www/Symfony/testsonata/src/Application/MyDbBundle/Admin/LinkAdmin.php which contains: 我已创建此文件/var/www/Symfony/testsonata/src/Application/MyDbBundle/Admin/LinkAdmin.php ,其中包含:

namespace Application\MyDbBundle\Admin;

use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\Admin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\DatagridMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\ListMapper;
use Knp\Menu\ItemInterface as MenuItemInterface;
use My\DbBundle\Entity\Link;

class LinkAdmin extends Admin
    protected function configureDatagridFilters(DatagridMapper $datagridMapper)

    protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)

    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)

And I added this to my services.xml : 并将其添加到我的services.xml

<container xmlns="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services/services-1.0.xsd">
      <service id="sonata.admin.my.db.link" class="Application\MyDbBundle\Admin\LinkAdmin">
            <tag name="sonata.admin" manager_type="orm" group="Databases" label="Links"/>

When I go to 当我去


I get this message: 我收到此消息:

InvalidArgumentException: [ERROR 94] Validation failed: no DTD found ! InvalidArgumentException:[错误94]验证失败:未找到DTD! (in n/a - line 5, column 20) [ERROR 5] Extra content at the end of the document (in n/a - line 22, column 1) (在n / a-第5行,第20列中)[错误5]文档末尾的多余内容(在n / a-22行,第1列中)

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

According to the error, something went wrong with your xml config file. 根据错误,您的xml配置文件出了点​​问题。 Why is there an <argument/> at the begining? 为什么一开始会有<argument/> It might be the problem. 可能是问题所在。

PS: I mean, does this <argument></argument> works better? PS:我的意思是,此<argument></argument>效果更好吗?

or maybe i need to make another paths? 还是我需要另辟paths径? because MyDbBundle and Sonata is in the different directories 因为MyDbBundle和Sonata在不同的目录中

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