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[英]Regex captured groups with positive lookbehind (python)

How is it possible to combine a captured group with positive lookbehinds? 怎样才能将捕获到的组与正向后方相结合?

I want to match the following examples: 我想匹配以下示例:

Some DS,key=value
Some DS test,key=value&key2=value2
Some DS test,key=value&key2=value2|key3=value3

I came up with the following regex for matching everything but the comma: 我想出了以下正则表达式来匹配除逗号以外的所有内容:

^(?P<ds_title>[\w \|\-\=\&æøåÆØÅ]+)(?P<filters>[\w \|\-\=\&æøåÆØÅ]+)?$

I've figured out, that the regex I would need to insert is: 我已经知道,我需要插入的正则表达式是:


But I cannot figure out where to insert it. 但我不知道在哪里插入它。 No matter where I insert it, it seems to break. 无论我在哪里插入,它似乎都坏了。 Does anyone know how this can be done correctly? 有谁知道如何正确地做到这一点?

Aren't you overthinking this? 你不是在想这个吗?


Why not just allow any string, rather than limiting it to your list? 为什么不只允许任何字符串,而不是将其限制在列表中?

In fact, why use a regex at all? 实际上,为什么要使用正则表达式呢?

parts = data.split(',', 2)
if len(parts) == 1:
    title, = parts
    title, filters = parts

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