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Chrome onMessage Listener未被调用

[英]Chrome onMessage Listener not getting called

I am experimenting with the chrome.extension API. 我正在尝试使用chrome.extension API。

manifest.json 的manifest.json

    "name": "First",
    "version": "1.0",
    "manifest_version": 2,
    "description": "First extension",
    "background": {
        "scripts": ["test.js"]
    "page_action": {
        "default_icon": "icon.png",
        "default_popup": "popup.html"
    "content_scripts": [ {
        "js": [ "jquery.min.js", "display.js"  ],
        "matches": [ "http://*/*", "https://*/*" ]    
    } ],

    "permissions" : [
    "http://*/*", "https://*/"

display.js display.js

alert("inside display.js");

        function(request, sender, sendResponse){
            alert("inside msg");
            var time = request.sel_text;


test.js test.js

function check(tab_id, data, tab){
    if(tab.url.indexOf("google") > -1){
        chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {"file" : "display.js"}) ;

popup1.js popup1.js

function myfunc(){

    var x = $('#options option:selected').text();
    chrome.extension.sendMessage({sel_text: x});




Now, when my page loads I get three(3) popups saying inside display.js but chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener is never called. 现在,当我的页面加载时,我会inside display.js输入three(3)弹出窗口,但从不调用chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener

So, what am I doing wrong. 那么,我做错了什么。 Can we can access chrome.extension.* API from content script. 我们可以从内容脚本访问chrome.extension.* API吗?

chrome.extension.sendMessage only triggers onMessage listeners in the extension's scope, excluding content scripts . chrome.extension.sendMessage仅在扩展的范围内触发onMessage侦听器, 不包括内容脚本

You can notify content scripts using the chrome.tabs.sendMessage method, as follows: 您可以使用chrome.tabs.sendMessage方法通知内容脚本,如下所示:

function myfunc() {
    var x = $('#options option:selected').text();
    var message = {sel_text: x};
    chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function(tabs) {
        var tabId = tabs[0].id;
        chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, message);

chrome.extension.sendMessage({sel_text: x}); which is in popup1.js not used or referenced in your manifest file. 在清单文件中未使用或引用的popup1.js中。 Where are you using popup1.js in your extension? 你在扩展中使用popup1.js在哪里?

chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener is fired when a message is sent from either an extension process or a content script, you don't have any messages being sent in your code!. 当从扩展进程或内容脚本发送消息时,会触发chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener ,您的代码中没有发送任何消息!

Moreover, why do you want re-inject script chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {"file" : "display.js"}) ; 此外,为什么要重新注入脚本chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {"file" : "display.js"}) ; from background page while it is already registered with manifest file . background page虽然它已经注册了manifest file

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