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[英]component.namingContainer.parent skips h:form

I made a composite component, inside it is an <f:ajax> tag, and its "render" attribute is a parameter of the cc. 我做了一个复合组件,它的内部是一个<f:ajax>标记,其“ render”属性是cc的参数。

something like this: 像这样的东西:

    <cc:attribute name="additionalAjaxRenderIds" type="java.lang.String"></cc:attribute>
    <h:commandLink value="test" action="#{myBean.someAction}" id="testLink" >
        <f:ajax execute="@this" render="#{cc.attrs.additionalAjaxRenderIds} "/>

I use this cc inside a form, thats already in an outer naming container: 我在表单中使用了该抄送,这已经在外部命名容器中了:

    <h:form id="myForm">
        <mycomp:myComponent id="myCC" additionalAjaxRenderIds=":#{component.namingContainer.parent.clientId}:myPanel" />
        <h:panelGroup id="myPanel">

The problem is, if i write 问题是,如果我写


i get this error: 我收到此错误:

<f:ajax> contains an unknown id ':j_idt44:myForm:myCC:myPanel' - cannot locate it in the context of the component testLink

while if i use this (+ .parent): 而如果我使用这个(+ .parent):


the error is: 错误是:

<f:ajax> contains an unknown id ':j_idt44:myPanel' - cannot locate it in the context of the component testLink

instead of the expected id: 而不是预期的ID:


so it seems like the parent of my cc's naming container is not the form, but the outer namingcontainer 所以看来我抄送的命名容器的父级不是表单,而是外部namingcontainer

Is there any way to: 1, get the right parent (the form) 2, evaluate the EL before i pass it as a parameter (so i can pass the calculated clientId to my cc instead of the EL expression, so the component wont refer to the commandLink tag, but to the h:form in which i put my cc) 有什么方法可以:1,获得正确的父级(窗体)2,在将EL作为参数传递之前评估EL(这样我就可以将计算出的clientId传递给我的cc而不是EL表达式,因此该组件不会引用到commandLink标记,但到h:form放在我的CC)

I know i could use 我知道我可以用


but i dont like that solution 但我不喜欢那种解决方案

Also, setting the form's prependId attribute to false breaks the whole component lookup (and the ajax tag too as a result) 另外,将表单的prependId属性设置为false会破坏整个组件查找(结果也是ajax标记)

EL expressions are not evaluated at the moment the component is built, but at the moment the attribute is accessed. 在构建组件时不评估EL表达式,但是在访问属性时不评估EL表达式。 In other words, they're runtime and not buildtime . 换句话说,它们是运行 时而不是buildtime The #{component} refers to the current UI component at the moment the EL expression is evaluated, which is in your particular case the <h:commandLink> . #{component}指的是在评估EL表达式时的当前 UI组件,在您的特定情况下为<h:commandLink> That explains the different outcome. 这解释了不同的结果。

You need to approach this differently, without using #{component} . 您需要以不同的方式处理此问题,而不使用#{component}

Eg 例如

<h:form id="myForm" binding="#{myForm}">
    <mycomp:myComponent id="myCC" additionalAjaxRenderIds=":#{myForm.clientId}:myPanel" />
    <h:panelGroup id="myPanel">

or 要么

<h:form id="myForm">
    <mycomp:myComponent id="myCC" additionalAjaxRenderIds=":#{myPanel.clientId}" />
    <h:panelGroup id="myPanel" binding="#{myPanel}">

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