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[英]Regex string replace in mysql

Is there a simple way to do the following in mysql: 有没有一种简单的方法可以在mysql中执行以下操作:

"Value ( some stuff here) " --> "Value"

Something similar to REPLACE("(*)","") ? 类似于REPLACE("(*)","")吗? How would I go about doing this and stripping the remaining whitespace? 我将如何去做并剥离剩余的空白?

Try: 尝试:


This will match leading whitespace, the text in parenthesis and trailing whitespace. 这将匹配前导空格,括号内的文本和尾随空格。

Look at UDFs(user defined functions). 查看UDF(用户定义的函数)。 You'll want something like oracle's REGEXP_REPLACE 您将需要像Oracle的REGEXP_REPLACE之类的东西

In mysql you cannot replace items of rows with regexp help. 在mysql中,您无法使用regexp帮助替换行项目。 So you have to select all values "Value ( some stuff here) " from a defined column. 因此,您必须从定义的列中选择所有值“ Value(此处有一些东西)”。 Process them on a client-side with python facilities. 使用python工具在客户端上处理它们。 After that you need update all rows in a mysql database. 之后,您需要更新mysql数据库中的所有行。

Or you can read this answers How to do a regular expression replace in MySQL? 或者您可以阅读此答案如何在MySQL中执行正则表达式替换?

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