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[英]Set up RAMMFAR for certain paths only

I have an ASP.NET 4.5 MVC app. 我有一个ASP.NET 4.5 MVC应用程序。 I don't want to set RAMMFAR ( runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests ) because that would needlessly send requests for static resources through the ASP.NET pipeline; 我不想设置RAMMFAR( runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests ),因为这会通过ASP.NET管道不必要地发送静态资源请求; however I do want all requests which begin with the path /Download/ to run through the ASP.NET routing pipeline, regardless of extension. 但是我确实希望所有以path /Download/开头的请求都通过ASP.NET路由管道运行,而不管扩展名如何。 This way I can route them to a Controller and serve dynamically generated resources. 这样我就可以将它们路由到Controller并提供动态生成的资源。

How can this be done? 如何才能做到这一点? I do not have access to IIS settings but hopefully there is a way to do this through web.config . 我无法访问IIS设置,但希望有一种方法可以通过web.config执行此操作。

The RAMMFAR setting is per application. RAMMFAR设置是每个应用程序。 You'd have to create a separate IIS applications if you want different parts of the site to have different settings, but unfortunately you state this is not an option for you. 如果您希望站点的不同部分具有不同的设置,则必须创建单独的IIS应用程序,但不幸的是,您声明这不适合您。

I two have two side notes though: 我两个有两个旁注:

  1. Are you sure you even need RAMMFAR? 你确定你甚至需要RAMMFAR吗? I think that when using IIS 7.5 and newer it's very rarely needed because IIS and ASP.NET can pretty much handle managed/native requests correctly. 我认为当使用IIS 7.5和更新版本时,它很少需要,因为IIS和ASP.NET几乎可以正确处理托管/本机请求。
  2. Have you identified this as an actual problem to always have it enabled? 您是否已将此识别为始终启用它的实际问题? Undoubtedly RAMMFAR will make things slower, but the question is whether it's causing a measurable effect in your app. 毫无疑问,RAMMFAR会使事情变得更慢,但问题是它是否会在您的应用中产生可衡量的影响。 Even if a static file does go through some managed code, the final processing of the file is handled back in native code. 即使静态文件通过某些托管代码,文件的最终处理也会以本机代码的形式处理。 So there's a bit of extra work to go "through" the ASP.NET managed pipeline, but once that's done it's back to native IIS/Windows code. 因此,有一些额外的工作可以“通过”ASP.NET托管管道,但是一旦完成它就会回到本机IIS / Windows代码。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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