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[英]Match from last occurrence using regex in perl

I have a text like this: 我有这样的文字:

hello world /* select a from table_b
*/ some other text with new line cha
racter and there are some blocks of 
/* any string */ select this part on
////RESULT rest string

The text is multilined and I need to extract from last occurrence of "*/" until "////RESULT". 文本是多行的,我需要从最后一次出现的“* /”中提取,直到“//// RESULT”。 In this case, the result should be: 在这种情况下,结果应该是:

 select this part on

How to achieve this in perl? 如何在perl中实现这一目标?

I have attempted \\\\\\*/(.|\\n)*////RESULT but that will start from first "*/" \\\\\\*/(.|\\n)*////RESULT但是从第一个“* /”开始

A useful trick in cases like this is to prefix the regexp with the greedy pattern .* , which will try to match as many characters as possible before the rest of the pattern matches. 在这种情况下,一个有用的技巧是在regexp前加上贪婪模式.* ,它会在模式的其余部分匹配之前尝试匹配尽可能多的字符。 So: 所以:

my ($match) = ($string =~ m!^.*\*/(.*?)////RESULT!s);

Let's break this pattern into its components: 让我们将这种模式分解为其组成部分:

  • ^.* starts at the beginning of the string and matches as many characters as it can. ^.*从字符串的开头开始,并尽可能多地匹配字符。 (The s modifier allows . to match even newlines.) The beginning-of-string anchor ^ is not strictly necessary, but it ensures that the regexp engine won't waste too much time backtracking if the match fails. s修饰符允许.甚至匹配换行符。)字符串开头的锚点^不是绝对必要的,但它确保正则表达式引擎在匹配失败时不会浪费太多时间回溯。

  • \\*/ just matches the literal string */ . \\*/只匹配文字字符串*/

  • (.*?) matches and captures any number of characters; (.*?)匹配并捕获任意数量的字符; the ? ? makes it ungreedy, so it prefers to match as few characters as possible in case there's more than one position where the rest of the regexp can match. 使它不合适,所以它更喜欢匹配尽可能少的字符,以防有一个以上的位置,其余的正则表达式可以匹配。

  • Finally, ////RESULT just matches itself. 最后, ////RESULT只是匹配自己。

Since the pattern contains a lot of slashes, and since I wanted to avoid leaning toothpick syndrome , I decided to use alternative regexp delimiters. 由于该模式包含很多斜线,并且因为我想避免倾斜牙签综合症 ,所以我决定使用替代的regexp分隔符。 Exclamation points ( ! ) are a popular choice, since they don't collide with any normal regexp syntax. 感叹号( ! )是一种流行的选择,因为它们不会与任何正常的正则表达式语法冲突。

Edit: Per discussion with ikegami below, I guess I should note that, if you want to use this regexp as a sub-pattern in a longer regexp, and if you want to guarantee that the string matched by (.*?) will never contain ////RESULT , then you should wrap those parts of the regexp in an independent (?>) subexpression , like this: 编辑:下面与ikegami的讨论,我想我应该注意,如果你想在更长的正则表达式中使用这个正则表达式作为子模式,并且如果你想保证匹配的字符串(.*?) 永远不会包含////RESULT ,那么你应该将regexp的那些部分包装在一个独立的(?>)子表达式中 ,如下所示:

my $regexp = qr!\*/(?>(.*?)////RESULT)!s;
my $match = ($string =~ /^.*$regexp$some_other_regexp/s);

The (?>) causes the pattern inside it to fail rather than accepting a suboptimal match (ie one that extends beyond the first substring matching ////RESULT ) even if that means that the rest of the regexp will fail to match. (?>)导致其中的模式失败而不是接受次优匹配(即超出匹配////RESULT的第一个子串的匹配),即使这意味着正则表达式的其余部分将无法匹配。


matches any number of characters that don't contain STRING . 匹配任意数量的不包含STRING的字符。 It's like [^a] , but for strings instead of characters. 它就像[^a] ,但是对于字符串而不是字符。

You can take shortcuts if you know certain inputs won't be encountered (like Kenosis and Ilmari Karonen did), but this is what what matches what you specified: 如果您知道不会遇到某些输入(如Kenosis和Ilmari Karonen所做的那样),您可以使用快捷方式,但这与您指定的内容相符:

my ($segment) = $string =~ m{
    ( (?: (?! \*/ ). )* )
    (?: (?! \*/ ). )*

If you don't care if */ appears after ////RESULT , the following is the safest: 如果您不关心*/ ////RESULT之后是否出现*/ ,则以下是最安全的:

my ($segment) = $string =~ m{
    ( (?: (?! \*/ ). )* )

You didn't specify what should happen if there are two ////RESULT that follow the last */ . 如果有两个////RESULT跟随最后一个*/ ,则没有指定会发生什么。 The above matches until the last one. 以上匹配直到最后一个。 If you wanted to match until the first one, you'd use 如果你想匹配到第一个,你可以使用

my ($segment) = $string =~ m{
    ( (?: (?! \*/ | ////RESULT ). )* )

Here's one option: 这是一个选项:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $string = <<'END';
hello world /* select a from table_b
*/ some other text with new line cha
racter and there are some blocks of 
/* any string */ select this part on

my ($segment) = $string =~ m!\*/([^/]+)////RESULT$!s;

print $segment;

Output: 输出:

 select this part on

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