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mouseover上的leaflet popup删除click事件

[英]leaflet popup on mouseover removes click event

I have a number of points plotted on my map using geoJSON. 我使用geoJSON在地图上绘制了许多点。 When you click a point, the map zooms to the point and pulls up some info in another div. 单击某个点时,地图会缩放到该点并在另一个div中提取一些信息。 When I put a popup on a mouseover event, my click function no longer works. 当我在mouseover事件上放置一个弹出窗口时,我的点击功能不再有效。

Here is my click function: 这是我的点击功能:

function fillInfo(e) {
        var layer = e.target; 

        document.getElementById('infoBox').innerHTML = '<h2>' + layer.feature.properties.name + '</h2>' + '<h3>' +  layer.feature.properties.address + '</h3></p>'
        //Variable to set zoom level on click
        var southLat = layer.feature.geometry.coordinates[0] + .022438;
        var southLong = layer.feature.geometry.coordinates[1] - .003235;

        var northLat = layer.feature.geometry.coordinates[0] - .022438;
        var northLong = layer.feature.geometry.coordinates[1] + .003235;

        map.fitBounds([[southLong, southLat], [northLong, northLat]]);


Here is my mouseover function: 这是我的鼠标悬停功能:

        function highlightFeature(e) {
        var layer = e.target; 


            weight: 5,
            color: '#666',
            dashArray: '',
            fillOpacity: 0.7

        if (!L.Browser.ie && !L.Browser.opera) {


And here I call them: 在这里我称呼他们:

    function onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
            click: fillInfo,
            mouseover: highlightFeature,
            mouseout: resetHighlight

This gets the popup working fine on rollover, but the point no longer responds to the click event. 这使得弹出窗口在翻转时工作正常,但该点不再响应click事件。

There is a offset-property for a popup, the default is set to [0,6] , therefore the popup covers the point (the node that contains the white downwards arrow is larger than the arrow), and you'll not be able to click on the point. 弹出窗口有一个偏移属性,默认设置为[0,6] ,因此弹出窗口覆盖该点(包含白色向下箭头的节点大于箭头),你将无法使用点击该点。

Set the offset-option of the popup: 设置弹出窗口的偏移量选项:

layer.bindPopup(layer.feature.properties.name,{offset:new L.Point(0,0)})

The second argument provided to L.Point is the important y-coordinate, decrease this argument to move the popup upwards. 提供给L.Point的第二个参数是重要的y坐标,减少此参数以向上移动弹出窗口。

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