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[英]How do i encrypt and decrypt Uint8Array using javascript?

I want encryption and decryption of a Uint8Array for that i have downloaded CryptoJS library from this link . 我希望加密和解密Uint8Array,因为我已从此链接下载了CryptoJS库。

I have tested aes cipher algorithm on a dummy string its working fine. 我已经在虚拟字符串上测试了aes密码算法,它的工作正常。

Now i want it to implement it on Uint8Array. 现在我希望它在Uint8Array上实现它。 This array is holding a video file data. 该阵列保存视频文件数据。

Since the encryption and decryption works on a string, i have to convert it to a string for that i have referenced this question posted on the stackoverflow click here 由于加密和解密适用于字符串,我必须将其转换为字符串,我已经引用此问题发布在stackoverflow上点击此处

Code for encryption is : 加密代码是:

var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uInt8Array), "test");

But when i ran the code following error is coming: 但当我运行代码后,错误即将到来:

 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded 

How do i make it working? 我如何使它工作?

That error is due the String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uInt8Array) part, CryptoJS is never called. 该错误是由String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uInt8Array)部分引起的,从不调用CryptoJS。

Note that full syntax of fromCharCode is String.fromCharCode(n1, n2, ..., nX) , so all elements of the given buffer must be moved to the stack in order to apply the function. 请注意, fromCharCode完整语法是String.fromCharCode(n1, n2, ..., nX) ,因此必须将给定缓冲区的所有元素移动到堆栈才能apply该函数。

You must be using a very big buffer, a video file you said, so that must be the reason you got a stackoverflow error. 你必须使用一个非常大的缓冲区,你说的视频文件,所以这必然是你遇到stackoverflow错误的原因。

Try to use a `CryptoJS.lib.WordArray' instead, as described here: 尝试使用`CryptoJS.lib.WordArray',如下所述:

http://groups.google.com/group/crypto-js/browse_thread/thread/4ce6fddad709954d?pli=1 http://groups.google.com/group/crypto-js/browse_thread/thread/4ce6fddad709954d?pli=1

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