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我怎样才能在 moment.js/javascript 中人性化这个完整的持续时间

[英]How can I humanize this complete duration in moment.js / javascript

I have a 'time remaining' counter in place for file uploads.我有一个用于文件上传的“剩余时间”计数器。 The remaining duration is calculated and converted into milliseconds like so:剩余的持续时间被计算并转换为毫秒,如下所示:

var elapsedTime = e.timeStamp - timestarted;
var speed = e.loaded / elapsedTime;
var estimatedTotalTime = e.totalSize / speed;
var timeLeftInSeconds = (estimatedTotalTime - elapsedTime) / 1000;

I then build an array which I intend to build into a humanized string.然后我构建了一个数组,我打算将它构建成一个人性化的字符串。 The array is as follows:数组如下:

var time = {
              years : Math.round(moment.duration(timeLeftInSeconds, 'milliseconds').years()),
              months : Math.round(moment.duration(timeLeftInSeconds, 'milliseconds').months()),
              days : Math.round(moment.duration(timeLeftInSeconds, 'milliseconds').days()),
              hours : Math.round(moment.duration(timeLeftInSeconds, 'milliseconds').hours()),
              minutes : Math.round(moment.duration(timeLeftInSeconds, 'milliseconds').minutes()),
              seconds : Math.round(moment.duration(timeLeftInSeconds, 'milliseconds').seconds())

This all works perfectly and if I output a string representation of this data like so:这一切都很完美,如果我像这样输出这个数据的字符串表示:

  console.log(time.years + ' years, ' + time.months + ' months, ' + time.days + ' days, ' + time.hours + ' hours, '+ time.minutes + ' minutes, ' + time.seconds + ' seconds');

I it returns a nice simple stream of remaining time like so:它返回一个不错的简单剩余时间流,如下所示:

0 years, 0 months, 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes, 7 seconds

What I now need to do is humanize this output so that the string is built dependent on the time remaining.我现在需要做的是人性化这个输出,以便根据剩余时间构建字符串。 eg例如

  • 2 years and 3 months remaining还剩2年3个月
  • 1 hour, 32 minutes and 41 seconds remaining还剩 1 小时 32 分 41 秒
  • 7 seconds remaining剩余 7 秒
  • 3 minutes 46 seconds remaining剩余 3 分 46 秒
  • 6 seconds remaining还剩 6 秒


Now I know that moment.js has the abiility to automatically humanize durations which works fine for single values but this can have multiple possible values ( hours/minutes/seconds etc)现在我知道 moment.js 具有自动人性化持续时间的能力,这对单个值工作正常,但这可以有多个可能的值(小时/分钟/秒等)

How can I go about humanizing this data either with moment.js or by manually building the string?我如何使用 moment.js 或手动构建字符串来人性化这些数据?

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

My HumanizeDuration.js library sounds like exactly what you want:我的HumanizeDuration.js库听起来正是您想要的:

humanizeDuration(1);         // "1 millisecond"
humanizeDuration(3000);      // "3 seconds"
humanizeDuration(2012);      // "2 seconds, 12 milliseconds"
humanizeDuration(97320000);  // "1 day, 3 hours, 2 minutes"

Looks like my answer's a bit late, but maybe it'll help others looking at this question!看起来我的回答有点晚了,但也许它会帮助其他人看这个问题!

I think your best bet would be something like this:我认为你最好的选择是这样的:

function humanize(time){
    if(time.years   > 0){   return time.years   + ' years and '     + time.months   + ' months remaining';}
    if(time.months  > 0){   return time.months  + ' months and '    + time.days     + ' days remaining';}
    if(time.days    > 0){   return time.days    + ' days and '      + time.hours    + ' hours remaining';}
    if(time.hours   > 0){   return time.hours   + ' hours and '     + time.minutes  + ' minutes and ' + time.seconds + ' seconds remaining';}
    if(time.minutes > 0){   return time.minutes + ' minutes and '   + time.seconds  + ' seconds remaining';}
    if(time.seconds > 0){   return time.seconds + ' seconds remaining';}
    return "Time's up!";

Alternatively, you could use this function:或者,您可以使用此功能:

function humanize(time){
    var o = '';
    for(key in time){
        if(time[key] > 0){
            if(o === ''){
                o += time[key] + ' ' + key + ' ';
                return o + 'and ' + time[key] + ' ' + key + ' remaining';
    return o + 'remaining';

It returns "x <time> and y <time> remaining" , for the 2 greatest values.对于 2 个最大值,它返回"x <time> and y <time> remaining" (Or only seconds in the last case. (或者在最后一种情况下只有几秒钟。

You should give a try on this plugin: moment-duration-format你应该试试这个插件: moment-duration-format

Its syntax is very convenient:它的语法非常方便:

var moment = require('moment');
moment.duration(32832, "seconds").format("h [hrs]: m [min]: s [sec]")
// => 9 hrs: 7 min: 12 sec" 

I ended up being happy with date-fns' formatDistanceToNow .我最终对 date- fns 的 formatDistanceToNow 感到满意 You can add that function without having to add the whole library like moment.js您可以添加该函数,而无需像 moment.js 那样添加整个库

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