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[英]A white bar appears at the bottom of my website sometimes, how to get rid of it?

I have a personal website I'm working on where the background image moves with the time of day. 我有一个个人网站,我正在研究背景图像在一天中的哪些时间移动。 At the bottom of the page, I have jQuery UI tabs going for my menu. 在页面底部,我的菜单有jQuery UI选项卡。

The background image moves up and down, this is my function I wrote: 背景图像上下移动,这是我写的函数:

// Move background based on current time
function backgroundMove() {
var windowHeight = $(window).height();
var imageHeight = 1200; // Background image height


    $('body').attr("style", "background-position: 0px " + movement + 'px');

Now on my local machine, this method works flawlessly, the background moves as it should. 现在,在我的本地计算机上,此方法可以完美运行,背景按预期移动。 But when I put it online, sometimes a solid white bar shows up at the bottom. 但是,当我将其放在网上时,有时底部会出现白色实心条。 The background image is where it should be, position-wise, but it gets cut off with this bar and thus you can't see my menu anymore (it is all-white tabs). 背景图像是应按位置放置的位置,但是它被该栏切断了,因此您不再能看到我的菜单(它是全白色的标签)。

Since it doesn't happen consistently I've had trouble identifying the problem. 由于不会一直发生,因此我很难确定问题所在。 Does anyone have any ideas as to what it might be, how I might fix it so it doesn't happen again? 是否有人对它可能是什么有任何想法,我将如何解决它以便使其不再发生?

Try adding this: 尝试添加以下内容:

height:100%; 高度:100%; overflow:hidden; 溢出:隐藏

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