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Intellij IDEA 12响应缓慢

[英]Intellij IDEA 12 slow response

I've upgraded to IDEA 12 and become frustrated with the slow response. 我已升级到IDEA 12,并对响应缓慢感到沮丧。 Class navigation takes several seconds to populate the search list (previously it was instantly), any dialog relevant to file list operation hangs for minutes. 类导航需要几秒钟来填充搜索列表(以前它是即时的),任何与文件列表操作相关的对话框都会挂起几分钟。 Move a class to another package just hang up and I have to kill the process. 将一个类移动到另一个包只是挂起,我必须杀死该进程。 Does anyone have the same experience with me? 有没有人和我有同样的经历?

Additional information : 其他信息

  • I am on windows 7 我在Windows 7上
  • I tried both 64 and 32 versions and both have the same issue 我尝试了64和32版本,两者都有相同的问题
  • My 64bit vmoption file has the following configuration: 我的64位vmoption文件具有以下配置:


  • I have the log dir zipped and put on http://ge.tt/1JwgAnU/v/0 . 我将日志目录压缩并放在http://ge.tt/1JwgAnU/v/0上 When I start to generating the log dir, I clean it first and then start IDEA 64 bits, open a project (automatically), then invoke File > import module command. 当我开始生成日志目录时,我先清理它然后启动IDEA 64位,打开一个项目(自动),然后调用File> import module命令。 I observed there are around a minutes delay before the dialog popped up. 我发现在弹出对话框之前有大约一分钟的延迟。 And inside the log dir I see a threadDumps-20130106-091041-IU-123.100 folder. 在日志目录中我看到一个threadDumps-20130106-091041-IU-123.100文件夹。 However there is no exception found in the idea.log file. 但是在idea.log文件中没有发现异常。

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A screenr showing IDEA hang up when trying to move one class to another package by drag and drop: http://www.screenr.com/zlA7 当试图通过拖放将一个类移动到另一个包时,显示IDEA的屏幕截图挂起: http//www.screenr.com/zlA7

I found the problem is caused by JDK 8 ea installed in my windows 7. IDEA use exe4j to load JDK, which automatically picked up JDK 8 (See this question ). 我发现问题是由我的Windows 7中安装的JDK 8 ea引起的.IDEA使用exe4j加载JDK,这会自动获取JDK 8(请参阅此问题 )。

After I defined IDEA_JDK_64 environment variable and point that to my JDK 6, a high performance IDEA comes back! 在我定义了IDEA_JDK_64环境变量并将其指向我的JDK 6后,高性能IDEA又回来了!

我有完全相同的,但通过更改idea64exe.vmoptions:from ... -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=64m ... to ... -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256m的设置解决了它

I had this problem with RubyMine (uses the same codebase) and it was because my system had swiched to OpenJDK instead of Sun/Oracle JDK. 我在使用RubyMine时遇到了这个问题(使用相同的代码库),这是因为我的系统已经转向OpenJDK而不是Sun / Oracle JDK。

I see that someone had similar problems in this thread: OpenJDK or Sun Java for IntelliJ IDEA 我看到有人在这个帖子中有类似的问题: OpenJDK或Sun Java for IntelliJ IDEA

Specifically, do you see something like the following when you start your IDE from the terminal? 具体来说,当您从终端启动IDE时,您会看到以下内容吗?

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11pre) (6b24~pre2-1)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
WARNING: You are launching IDE using OpenJDK Java runtime.


 NOTE:    If you have both Oracle (Sun) JDK and OpenJDK installed
          please validate either IDEA_JDK, JDK_HOME, or JAVA_HOME environment          variable points to valid Oracle (Sun) JDK installation.
          See http://ow.ly/6TuKQ for more info on switching default JDK

 Press Enter to continue.

Perhaps you should check if the upgrade caused the IDE to revert to a non-Oracle JDK. 也许您应该检查升级是否导致IDE恢复为非Oracle JDK。

In my case it was a Findbugs plugin that caused frequent lags. 在我的情况下,它是一个Findbugs插件,导致频繁的滞后。 You can see this if you run IDEA from the terminal and look at the log output, eg 如果从终端运行IDEA并查看日志输出,您可以看到这一点,例如

No classfiles specified; 没有指定类文件; output will have no warnings 输出没有警告

After disabling the real-time Findbugs scans (Settings -> Inspections -> Findbugs IDEA) everything ran smoothly again. 禁用实时Findbugs扫描(设置 - >检查 - > Findbugs IDEA)后,一切都顺利进行。

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