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Python pandas,绘制多行的选项

[英]Python pandas, Plotting options for multiple lines

I want to plot multiple lines from a pandas dataframe and setting different options for each line. 我想从pandas数据框中绘制多条线,并为每条线设置不同的选项。 I would like to do something like 我想做点什么


This will raise some error messages: 这会引发一些错误消息:

  • linewidth is not callable with a list linewidth不能用列表调用

  • In style I can't use 's' and 'o' or any other alphabetical symbol, when defining colors in a list 在样式中,当在列表中定义颜色时,我不能使用's'和'o'或任何其他字母符号

Also there is some more stuff which seems weird to me 还有一些东西对我来说似乎很奇怪

  • when I add another plot command to the above code testdataframe[0].plot() it will plot this line in the same plot, if I add the command testdataframe[[0,1]].plot() it will create a new plot 当我将另一个绘图命令添加到上面的代码testdataframe[0].plot()它会在同一个绘图中绘制这一行,如果我添加命令testdataframe[[0,1]].plot()它将创建一个新的情节

  • If i would call testdataframe[0].plot(style=['s-','o-','^-'],color=['b','r','y']) it is fine with a list in style, but not with a list in color 如果我打电话给testdataframe[0].plot(style=['s-','o-','^-'],color=['b','r','y'])就可以了样式列表,但没有颜色列表

Hope somebody can help, thanks. 希望有人可以提供帮助,谢谢。

You're so close! 你真是太近了!

You can specify the colors in the styles list: 您可以在样式列表中指定颜色:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

testdataframe = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(4,3), columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
styles = ['bs-','ro-','y^-']
linewidths = [2, 1, 4]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for col, style, lw in zip(testdataframe.columns, styles, linewidths):
    testdataframe[col].plot(style=style, lw=lw, ax=ax)

Also note that the plot method can take a matplotlib.axes object, so you can make multiple calls like this (if you want to): 另请注意, plot方法可以使用matplotlib.axes对象,因此您可以进行多次这样的调用(如果您愿意):

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

testdataframe1 = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(4,3), columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
testdataframe2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(size=(4,3)), columns=['D', 'E', 'F'])
styles1 = ['bs-','ro-','y^-']
styles2 = ['rs-','go-','b^-']
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
testdataframe1.plot(style=styles1, ax=ax)
testdataframe2.plot(style=styles2, ax=ax)

Not really practical in this case, but the concept might come in handy later. 在这种情况下并不实用,但这个概念可能会在以后派上用场。

Considering the dataframe testdataframe 考虑数据帧testdataframe

testdataframe = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(4,3))


   0   1   2
0  0   1   2
1  3   4   5
2  6   7   8
3  9  10  11

You can combine styles into a single list of strings as in styles defined below. 您可以将styles组合到单个字符串列表中,如下面定义的styles I'll also define the linewidths in lws 我还将在lws定义线宽

styles=['bs-', 'ro-', 'y^-']
lws = [2, 1, 1]

We can use the plot method on the testdataframe passing the list styles to the style parameter. 我们可以在testdataframe上使用plot方法将列表styles传递给style参数。 Note that we could have also passed a dictionary (and probably other things as well). 请注意,我们也可以传递一个字典(也可能是其他东西)。

However, line widths are not as easily handled. 但是,线宽并不容易处理。 I first capture the AxesSubplot object and iterate over the lines attribute setting the line width. 我首先捕获AxesSubplot对象并迭代线属性设置线宽。

ax = testdataframe.plot(style=styles)
for i, l in enumerate(ax.lines):
    plt.setp(l, linewidth=lws[i])


So I think the answer lies in passing the color and style in the same argument. 所以我认为答案在于将颜色和样式传递到同一个参数中。 The following example works with pandas 0.19.2: 以下示例适用于pandas 0.19.2:

testdataframe.plot(style=['r*-','bo-','y^-'], linewidth=2.0)

Unfortunately, it seems that passing multiple line widths as an input to matplotlib is not possible. 不幸的是,似乎不能将多个线宽作为输入传递给matplotlib。

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