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在C ++中插入以映射类型

[英]insertion to type map in c++

I dont understand what does that piece of code does 我不明白那段代码是做什么的

static TwoWayHostPair hostpair;
map <TwoWayHostPair, Traffic> mymap;
//here some map element inserted to mymap and hostpair initialized

map <TwoWayHostPair, Traffic>::iterator iter = mymap.begin();
iter = mymap.find(hostpair);
if (iter == mymap.end()) { 
    iter = mymap.insert(make_pair(hostPair, Traffic())).first; //line8

My question is what happens in line8? 我的问题是第8行会发生什么? I didnt get it. 我没明白。 Isnt it supposed to be type map<...>:iterator and after this insertion does it stay same type? 它不是应该为map<...>:iterator类型,插入之后是否保持相同类型?

std::map::insert return std::pair< iterator,bool > , below statement is correct. std :: map :: insert返回std :: pair <迭代器,布尔> ,下面的语句是正确的。 second bool return value indicates whether the insertion took place 第二个布尔返回值指示插入是否发生

iter = mymap.insert(make_pair(hostPair, Traffic())).first; //line8

see reference here 在这里看到参考

As used here, 在这里使用

iter = mymap.insert(make_pair(hostPair, Traffic())).first; //line8

mymap.insert returns a pair<iterator,bool> . mymap.insert 返回 pair<iterator,bool> first , then, accesses the iterator . first ,然后访问 iterator


make_pair is used to insert pair value to a map.You have iterated for all the element in map having hostpair. make_pair用于将对值插入到映射中。您已对映射中具有主机对的所有元素进行了迭代。

EDIT Refer cplusplus map to know more. 编辑请参阅cplusplus地图以了解更多信息。

iter = mymap.find(hostpair);
if (iter == mymap.end()) { 
    iter = mymap.insert(make_pair(hostPair, Traffic())).first; //line8

The first line looks for key hostPair in the map, and if it is not found, then it enters the if block where it inserts the key along with its value, and .first returns the iterator to the inserted item. 第一行在映射中查找hostPair ,如果未找到键,则进入if块,在其中插入键及其值,然后.first将迭代器返回到插入的项。

Improvement 起色

But you can make an improvement to this. 但是您可以对此进行改进。 You could just write this: 您可以这样写:

iter = mymap.insert(make_pair(hostPair, Traffic())).first; 

which is exactly equivalent to your code. 这完全等同于您的代码。 No need to use find and then insert . 无需使用find然后insert The result is a performance gain. 结果是提高了性能

If the key already exists, the insert function will NOT insert any item to the map and .first will return you the iterator to the found item. 如果键已经存在,则insert函数将不会在地图上插入任何项目,并且.first将使迭代器返回到找到的项目。 If the key doesn't exist, only then it will insert and .first will return you the iterator to the newly inserted item. 如果键不存在,则只有键会插入, .first将使迭代器返回到新插入的项。

If you want to know whether the key already existed or not, then you can do this: 如果您想知道密钥是否已经存在,则可以执行以下操作:

auto pair = mymap.insert(make_pair(hostPair, Traffic())); //NO .first!
if (pair.second)
     //a newly created item is inserted 
     auto iter = pair.first; //iterator to the newly inserted item
    //an item with key `hostPair` already exists in the map
     auto iter = pair.first; //iterator to the found item

Hope that helps. 希望能有所帮助。

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