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[英]Retrieve BillId from VendorPayment Record in Netsuite

I need to retrieve the BillId, for which payment is made. 我需要检索要付款的BillId。 But the VendorPayment Record type has no billId. 但是VendorPayment记录类型没有billId。 How to retrieve billId for which the payment is made? 如何检索要付款的billId?


Here is a sample code: 这是一个示例代码:

var id = '100'; //Your vendor payment record
var record = nlapiLoadRecord('vendorpayment', id);
var createdFrom = record.getFieldValue('createdfrom'); //This is the ID of the transaction where the vendor payment was created from.

Or you can create a saved search and add some filtering method in the code to retrieve the associated transaction. 或者,您可以创建一个保存的搜索,并在代码中添加一些过滤方法以检索关联的事务。

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