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[英]Extracting subset of the data frame in R

Suppose I read a csv file into a data frame called "d". 假设我将csv文件读入名为“d”的数据框中。 I wish to print the last 2 rows of this data frame. 我希望打印此数据框的最后两行。 I tried the below but it is printing all the content starting from n-1. 我尝试了下面但它打印的所有内容都是从n-1开始的。 Can someone help me understand this behavior please? 有人可以帮我理解这种行为吗?

> n<-nrow(d)
> n
[1] 153
> subset(d[n:n-1,])

You can just use tail 你可以用尾巴

  tail(d, 2)

Will give the last two rows. 将给出最后两行。

@mnel is correct that using tail() would probably be the easiest, however I think that your confusion has to do with how subset() and indexing work in general. @mnel是正确的,使用tail()可能是最简单的,但我认为你的混淆与子集()和索引的工作方式有关。 In your example be mindful of how you index matrices and data.frames since 在您的示例中,请注意您如何索引矩阵和data.frames

d[(n:n - 1), ]

is not the same as 是不一样的

d[n:(n-1), ]

so check the difference carefully since the order of operations are important to understand. 因此,请仔细检查差异,因为操作顺序非常重要。 The subset() function also indexes based on a logical indicator and has the form subset()函数还基于逻辑指示符进行索引并具有表单

 subset(object, subset = logicalvector)

where the logical vector gives the rows that you want to extract. 其中逻辑向量给出了要提取的行。 See ?subset for more detail. 有关详细信息,请参阅?subset。

This is working for me ... 这对我有用......

d <- matrix(1:10,nrow=5)
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    6
[2,]    2    7
[3,]    3    8
[4,]    4    9
[5,]    5   10

d <- as.data.frame(d)
  V1 V2
1  1  6
2  2  7
3  3  8
4  4  9
5  5 10

n <- nrow(d)
> n
[1] 5
d[n:(n-1),] ## Specifying the number of the row inside the brackets.
 V1 V2
5  5 10
4  4  9

d[n:n-1,] ## without brackets it will do 5:5 -1 = 4, so printing only the fourth row
  V1 V2
4  4  9

我会用: tail(d, 2)d[(n-1):n, ]希望它有所帮助

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