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[英]CKEditor - Stylesheet Parser - Valid Selectors

I am transitioning my CMS to use CKEditor. 我正在将CMS转换为使用CKEditor。 I am currently trying to make use of the Stylesheet Parser. 我目前正在尝试使用样式表解析器。 I have a large number of sites with editor styles already defined. 我有许多已经定义了编辑器样式的网站。 The definitions are made with simple class declarations: .[class] . 使用简单的类声明进行定义: .[class] By default the selector finds [element].[class] declarations. 默认情况下,选择器查找[element].[class]声明。

I tried setting for stylesheetParser_validSelectors : 我尝试设置stylesheetParser_validSelectors

config.stylesheetParser_validSelectors = /\.\w+/;

...but the styles selection is empty. ...但是样式选择为空。

I am using Firebug, and I don't see any errors in the console. 我正在使用Firebug,但在控制台中看不到任何错误。

My Solution 我的解决方案

I ended up using the stylesSet configuration option for two reasons: 由于两个原因,我最终使用了stylesSet配置选项:

  1. It gives me control over the name that shows for a style selection 它使我可以控制显示样式选择的名称
  2. I can set a default, but allow for overrides 我可以设置默认值,但可以覆盖

Code: 码:

if ((typeof EditorStyleSet === 'undefined')
        || (typeof EditorStyleSet !== 'object')
        || !(EditorStyleSet instanceof Array)) {
    // Allow this variable to be set at the site level
    EditorStyleSet = [
        {name:'Title', element:'span', attributes:{'class':'title'}},
        {name:'Subtitle', element:'span', attributes:{'class':'subTitle'}},
        {name:'Header Text', element:'span', attributes:{'class':'headerText'}},
        {name:'Red', element:'span', attributes:{'class':'red'}},
        {name:'Small', element:'span', attributes:{'class':'small'}},
        {name:'Hi-Lite', element:'span', attributes:{'class':'hi-lite'}}
config.stylesSet = EditorStyleSet;

Your selectors are blocked by default skipSelectors ( ^\\. ): 默认情况下,您的选择器处于阻塞状态skipSelectors( ^\\. ):

config.stylesheetParser_skipSelectors = /(^body\\.|^\\.)/i

This is because stylesheetparser plugin wasn't designed to deal with such cases. 这是因为stylesheetparser插件并非旨在处理此类情况。 You can, however, override it: 但是,您可以覆盖它:

config.stylesheetParser_skipSelectors: /^body\\./i

Your styles will be visible on the list, but it will be visually broken. 您的样式将在列表中可见,但在视觉上将被破坏。 Now look at the code of stylesheedparser plugin (also log aClasses variable): 现在看一下stylesheedparser插件的代码(也记录aClasses变量):

for ( i = 0; i < aClasses.length; i++ ) {
    var oElement = aClasses[ i ].split( '.' ),
        element = oElement[ 0 ].toLowerCase(),
        sClassName = oElement[ 1 ];

        name: element + '.' + sClassName,
        element: element,
        attributes: { 'class': sClassName }

Patch it a little bit: 修补一下:

for ( i = 0; i < aClasses.length; i++ ) {
    var oElement = aClasses[ i ].split( '.' ),
        element, sClassName;

    if ( !oElement.length ) {
        element = '',
        sClassName = oElement;
    } else {
        element = oElement[ 0 ].toLowerCase(),
        sClassName = oElement[ 1 ];

        name: element + '.' + sClassName,
        element: !element.length ? 'span' : element,
        attributes: { 'class': sClassName }

And this is it! 就是这样!

Edit: Created a ticket for this issue. 编辑:为此问题创建了一个票证

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