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[英]How do I create a hash of hashes inside of a .each in Ruby

I'm working on a Rails application that tracks different events and their statuses. 我正在开发一个跟踪不同事件及其状态的Rails应用程序。

Here's my Status model: 这是我的Status模型:

class Status < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :value

  has_many :events

There is an interface to add additional status types. 有一个界面可以添加其他状态类型。

My Event model looks like this: 我的Event模型如下所示:

class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :status_id

  belongs_to :status

  class << self
    Status.all.each do |status|
      define_method(status.value.downcase) do
        send("where", :status_id => Status.find_by_value(status.value.downcase))

So for example I have three different status values: Outage , Slow , Error , etc. 因此,例如,我有三个不同的状态值: OutageSlowError等。

With this I can do: 有了这个我可以做:


or: 要么:


and I'll get back an ActiveRecord::Relation of all events with that status. 然后我将返回具有该状态的所有事件的ActiveRecord::Relation This works as expected. 这按预期工作。

I have a view that generates some graphs dynamically using Highcharts . 我有一个视图,该视图使用Highcharts动态生成一些图形。 Here's my view code: 这是我的查看代码:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  $(function () {
    new Highcharts.Chart({
        chart: { renderTo: 'events_chart' },
        title: { text: '' },
        xAxis: { type: 'datetime' },
        yAxis: {
          title: { text: 'Event Count' },
          min: 0,
          tickInterval: 1
              <% { "Events" => Event,
                   "Outages" => Event.outage, 
                   "Slowdowns" => Event.slow, 
                   "Errors" => Event.error,
                   "Restarts" => Event.restart }.each do |name, event| %>
              name: "<%= name %>",
              pointInterval: <%= 1.day * 1000 %>,
              pointStart: <%= @start_date.to_time.to_i * 1000 %>,
              pointEnd: <%= @end_date.to_time.to_i * 1000 %>,
              data: <%= (@start_date..@end_date).map { |date| event.reported_on(date).count}.inspect %>
            <% end %>]

<div id="events_chart"></div>

I'd like to generate this hash dynamically with a list of Status types from the database: 我想使用数据库中的Status类型列表动态生成此哈希:

<% { 
     "Outage" => Event.outage, 
     "Slow" => Event.slow, 
     "Error" => Event.error,
     "Restart" => Event.restart }.each do |name, event|

using something like this: 使用这样的东西:

hash = Status.all.each do |status|
  hash.merge("#{status.value}" => Event) ||= {}

I want to call each on the hash to generate my charts. 我想对each散列调用以生成图表。 This doesn't give me a hash though, it gives me an Array , just like Status.all would by itself. 但是,这不会给我哈希,而是给我一个Array ,就像Status.all本身一样。

This is how I would do it, with Enumerable#each_with_object and Object#send : 这就是我使用Enumerable#each_with_objectObject#send

hash = Status.select(:value).each_with_object({}) do |s, h|
  h[s.value.upcase] = Event.send s.value.downcase

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