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c#winforms应用程序中datagridview / controls中的子级对象属性绑定

[英]Child level object property binding in datagridview / controls in c# winforms application

I am stuck in a problem while working with binding object list into datagridview or controls. 在使用绑定对象列表到datagridview或控件时,我遇到了问题。 Actually what I want, I have class say Person , Address and Contact . 其实我想要的是,我上课说PersonAddressContact Person class have 3 properties one Name of type string, Add of type Address and last one is Cont of type Contact . Person类有3个属性,一个是String类型的Name, Add类型为Address,最后一个是Cont类型Contact By googling I found that I have to create CustomTypeDescriptor class which I created and it works for only one class either for Contact or for Address . 通过谷歌搜索我发现我必须创建我创建的CustomTypeDescriptor类,它只适用于ContactAddress一个类。 When we put two times then it shows compile time error that can not have duplicate [TypeDescriptionProvider(typeof(MyTypeDescriptionProvider<Contact>))] . 当我们放两次然后它显示编译时错误,不能有重复[TypeDescriptionProvider(typeof(MyTypeDescriptionProvider<Contact>))]

How can I solve this problem. 我怎么解决这个问题。

Here I am providing sample code which I am trying to implement, 在这里,我提供了我想要实现的示例代码,

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

        dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Name", "Name");
        dataGridView1.Columns.Add("City", "City");
        dataGridView1.Columns.Add("ContactName", "ContactName");

        dataGridView1.Columns["Name"].DataPropertyName = "Name";
        dataGridView1.Columns["City"].DataPropertyName = "Add_City";
        dataGridView1.Columns["ContactName"].DataPropertyName = "Cont_ContactName";

        List<Person> PersonList = PersonProxy.GetPersonCollection();
        dataGridView1.DataSource = PersonList;

public class PersonProxy
    public static List<Person> GetPersonCollection()
        List<Person> persList = new List<Person>();

        persList.Add(new Person
            Name = "Awadhendra",
            Add = new Address
                City = "Allahabad"
            Cont = new Contact
                ContactName = "Awadh"

        persList.Add(new Person
            Name = "Alok",
            Add = new Address
                City = "Allahabad"
            Cont = new Contact
                ContactName = "Alok"

        persList.Add(new Person
            Name = "Ankit",
            Add = new Address
                City = "Lucknow"
            Cont = new Contact
                ContactName = "Ankit"

        persList.Add(new Person
            Name = "Swati",
            Add = new Address
                City = "Lucknow"
            Cont = new Contact
                ContactName = "Awadh"

        return persList;

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Address Add { get; set; }    ////How to get address and contact both for binding.        
    public Contact Cont { get; set; }  ////Write now am getting Contact

public class Address
    public string City { get; set; }

public class Contact
    public string ContactName { get; set; }

public class MyTypeDescriptionProvider<T> : TypeDescriptionProvider
    private ICustomTypeDescriptor td;
    public MyTypeDescriptionProvider()
        : this(TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(typeof(Person)))
    public MyTypeDescriptionProvider(TypeDescriptionProvider parent)
        : base(parent)
    public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor(Type objectType, object instance)
        if (td == null)
            td = base.GetTypeDescriptor(objectType, instance);
            td = new MyCustomTypeDescriptor(td, typeof(T));
        return td;

public class SubPropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor
    private PropertyDescriptor _subPD;
    private PropertyDescriptor _parentPD;

    public SubPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor parentPD, PropertyDescriptor subPD, string pdname)
        : base(pdname, null)
        _subPD = subPD;
        _parentPD = parentPD;

    public override bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } }
    public override void ResetValue(object component) { }
    public override bool CanResetValue(object component) { return false; }
    public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component)
        return true;

    public override Type ComponentType
        get { return _parentPD.ComponentType; }
    public override Type PropertyType { get { return _subPD.PropertyType; } }

    public override object GetValue(object component)
        return _subPD.GetValue(_parentPD.GetValue(component));

    public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
        _subPD.SetValue(_parentPD.GetValue(component), value);
        OnValueChanged(component, EventArgs.Empty);

public class MyCustomTypeDescriptor : CustomTypeDescriptor
    Type typeProperty;
    public MyCustomTypeDescriptor(ICustomTypeDescriptor parent, Type type)
        : base(parent)
        typeProperty = type;
    public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes)
        PropertyDescriptorCollection cols = base.GetProperties(attributes);

        string propertyName = "";
        foreach (PropertyDescriptor col in cols)
            if (col.PropertyType.Name == typeProperty.Name)
                propertyName = col.Name;
        PropertyDescriptor pd = cols[propertyName];
        PropertyDescriptorCollection children = pd.GetChildProperties();
        PropertyDescriptor[] array = new PropertyDescriptor[cols.Count + children.Count];
        int count = cols.Count;
        cols.CopyTo(array, 0);

        foreach (PropertyDescriptor cpd in children)
            array[count] = new SubPropertyDescriptor(pd, cpd, pd.Name + "_" + cpd.Name);

        PropertyDescriptorCollection newcols = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(array);
        return newcols;

Thanks, 谢谢,

Based on MSDN 基于MSDN

There are two ways to associate a TypeDescriptionProvider with a TypeDescriptor : 有两种方法可以将TypeDescriptionProviderTypeDescriptor相关联:

  • At design time, when the target class can be assigned the appropriate TypeDescriptionProviderAttribute tag. 在设计时,可以为目标类分配相应的TypeDescriptionProviderAttribute标记。
  • At run time, when one of the AddProvider methods of the TypeDescriptor class can be called. 在运行时,可以调用TypeDescriptor类的其中一个AddProvider方法。 These overloaded methods require either the target object or its class type. 这些重载方法需要目标对象或其类类型。

So Just add them in runtime: 所以只需在运行时添加它们:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

        dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Name", "Name");
        dataGridView1.Columns.Add("City", "City");
        dataGridView1.Columns.Add("ContactName", "ContactName");

        dataGridView1.Columns["Name"].DataPropertyName = "Name";
        dataGridView1.Columns["City"].DataPropertyName = "Add_City";
        dataGridView1.Columns["ContactName"].DataPropertyName = "Cont_ContactName";

        List<Person> PersonList = PersonProxy.GetPersonCollection();

        //add them here
        System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.AddProvider((new MyTypeDescriptionProvider<Address>()), typeof(Person));
        System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.AddProvider((new MyTypeDescriptionProvider<Contact>()), typeof(Person));
        dataGridView1.DataSource = PersonList;

I found with .NET 4.5, the previous answer almost works, but the issue is that the AddProvider method acts as a last one wins, so we only see properties from Contract but not Address. 我发现在.NET 4.5中,之前的答案几乎可以解决,但问题是AddProvider方法作为最后一个获胜,所以我们只看到Contract中的属性而不是Address。

The solution is to chain the providers together so we get... 解决方案是将提供商联系在一起,以便我们得到......

//add them here
var addressProvider = new MyTypeDescriptionProvider<Address>();
System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.AddProvider(t1, typeof(Person));
System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.AddProvider(new MyTypeDescriptionProvider<Contact>(t1), typeof(Person));

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