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PHP htmlentities不足以阻止黑客从表单中注入html

[英]PHP htmlentities not enough to stop hackers injecting html from form

I have a form with a text box that posts data to a php file that uses the function "htmlentities" to make it safe to email to the website owner. 我有一个带有文本框的表单,该文本框将数据发布到使用“htmlentities”功能的php文件,以便通过电子邮件发送给网站所有者。

The problem is that someone managed to get a hyperlink in the text and htmlentities() does not remove it. 问题是有人设法在文本中获得超链接,而htmlentities()不会删除它。

This is my textbox html: 这是我的文本框html:

<input name="usertext" type="text" />

This is my PHP code that receives the post data (I left the email code out because that's not the problem. I changed it to just echo the received data so I could try to replicate what the hacker did. If I know how he did it, I can find a way to stop it from happening): 这是我接收帖子数据的PHP代码(我留下了电子邮件代码,因为这不是问题。我改变它只是回应收到的数据,所以我可以尝试复制黑客所做的。如果我知道他是怎么做的,我可以找到阻止它发生的方法):

echo trim(htmlentities($_POST["usertext"], ENT_QUOTES));

Now the hacker send some data and this was the result html (the source code - that means it showed a normal link in the browser): 现在黑客发送了一些数据,这就是结果html(源代码 - 这意味着它在浏览器中显示了一个正常的链接):

<a target="_blank" href="mailto:nyjfvw@fbjgzy.com">nyjfvw@fbjgzy.com</a>

I thought that htmlentities() would always stop anyone from being able to enter html of any kind. 我认为htmlentities()总能阻止任何人输入任何类型的HTML。 If I enter a hyperlink such as: 如果我输入一个超链接,例如:

<a href="aaa" />

I get: 我明白了:

&lt;a href="aaa" /&gt;

But the hacker's text was not encoded like that. 但是黑客的文本并没有这样编码。

So my questions are: 所以我的问题是:

  1. How did the hacker enter html tags so that the htmlentities() function did nothing to it? 黑客是如何输入html标签的,以便htmlentities()函数对它没有任何作用?
  2. How would I replicate it for testing? 我如何复制它进行测试? (could be answered by above question) (可以通过上述问题回答)

I did some research and it might be possible that the hacker encoded his text in utf-7 or something? 我做了一些研究,黑客可能会用utf-7或其他东西编码他的文本?

I have already received a few emails with these same links. 我已收到几封带有相同链接的电子邮件。 This hacker is obviously testing my website to see if he can do XSS or something. 这个黑客显然正在测试我的网站,看看他是否可以做XSS或其他什么。

Nice question! 好问题! I think you can read this link that explain the problem and gives a solution. 我想你可以阅读这个解释问题的链接并给出解决方案。

The proposed solution is to specify to the browser (through a meta tag) which charset is used in the page. 建议的解决方案是向浏览器(通过元标记)指定在页面中使用哪个字符集。

我认为strip_tags完全符合您的需求: http//php.net/manual/en/function.strip-tags.php


Would htmlspecialchars() do the trick? htmlspecialchars()可以做到吗? This article on W3Schools appears to suggest that. 这篇关于W3Schools的文章似乎暗示了这一点。

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