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[英]Combine records from differing tables using JOIN and UNION

I need to create a query to combine the data from two tables, I think possibly a combination of JOIN and UNION. 我需要创建一个查询来组合来自两个表的数据,我想可能是JOIN和UNION的组合。

In this example, I need to list all names where the status is active, just once, with their wine, soda, dinner, dessert and fruit preferences combined, ordered by name. 在这个例子中,我需要列出状态为活动状态的所有名称,只需一次,将他们的葡萄酒,苏打水,晚餐,甜点和水果首选项组合在一起,按名称排序。

I'm not sure if JOIN alone will work, since a name isn't always in both tables, and UNION is tricky since they don't have the same columns. 我不确定JOIN是否会起作用,因为名称并不总是在两个表中,并且UNION很棘手,因为它们没有相同的列。 I've tried using null values to make a UNION work, but that's been giving me duplicate rows for each name instead of grouping them into one row per name. 我已经尝试使用空值来使UNION工作,但是这给了我每个名称的重复行,而不是将它们分组为每个名称一行。

name         status   wine    soda
----------   ------   ------  ------
John Smith   active   red     cola
Mary Jones   active   white   lemonade
Tom Brown    old      red     fanta
Judy White   active   red     dr pepper
Sam Wing     old      red     cola

name         status   dinner  dessert  fruit
----------   ------   ------  ------   ------
John Smith   active   steak   muffin   apple
Mary Jones   active   fish    cake     kiwi
Walter Yu    active   pasta   cake     banana
Jim Adams    old      steak   candy    apple
Adam Sheers  active   pasta   candy    grapes

I need the query to generate a result like this - 我需要查询来生成这样的结果 -

name         status    wine     soda       dinner  dessert  fruit
----------   ------    ------   ------     ------  ------   ------
Adam Sheers  active    -        -          pasta   candy    grapes
John Smith   active    red      cola       steak   muffin   apple
Judy White   active    red      dr pepper  -       -        -
Mary Jones   active    white    lemonade   fish    cake     kiwi
Walter Yu    active    -        -          pasta   cake     banana

A huge thanks for any help with this! 非常感谢您对此的任何帮助!

This should work: 这应该工作:

SELECT names.name, drink.wine, drink.soda, food.dinner, food.dessert, food.fruit
    (SELECT name FROM food WHERE status = 'active'
    SELECT name FROM drink WHERE status = 'active') names
LEFT JOIN drink ON drink.name = names.name
LEFT JOIN food ON food.name = names.name

Result 结果

|        NAME |   WINE |      SODA | DINNER | DESSERT |  FRUIT |
|  John Smith |    red |      cola |  steak |  muffin |  apple |
|  Mary Jones |  white |  lemonade |   fish |    cake |   kiwi |
|   Walter Yu | (null) |    (null) |  pasta |    cake | banana |
| Adam Sheers | (null) |    (null) |  pasta |   candy | grapes |
|  Judy White |    red | dr pepper | (null) |  (null) | (null) |

See it in action 看到它在行动

SELECT name, status, MAX(wine) wine, MAX(soda) soda, MAX(dinner) dinner, MAX(dessert) dessert, MAX(fruit) fruit
    SELECT name, status, wine, soda, NULL dinner, NULL dessert, NULL  fruit
    FROM DRINK WHERE status = 'active'
    SELECT name, status, NULL wine, NULL soda, dinner, dessert, fruit
    FROM FOOD WHERE status = 'active'
  ) R
  GROUP BY name, status
select * 
from food f 
left join drink d on f.name = d.name 
where d.status = 'active' and f.status = 'active'

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