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[英]java does not convert from latin to utf8 properly

I select data from mysql, the database is not in utf8 (the unicode character is save as latin, for example the unicode string Đỗ Tiến (correct form) is save as Äá»— Tiến ). 我选择MySQL的数据,该数据库是不是在UTF8(Unicode字符是保存为拉丁语,例如Unicode字符串Đỗ Tiến (正确的形式)是另存为Äá»— Tiến )。 If I use PHP to echo to html, I just set <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> the webpage displays correctly. 如果使用PHP回显到html,则只需设置<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />正确显示网页。 If I do not set the meta tag, when open by Chrome, the Chrome detect that is in windows-1258 encode, manually change to Unicode (utf-8), the webpage displays correctly. 如果我未设置meta标签,则当Chrome打开该浏览器时,Chrome会检测到Windows-1258编码,将其手动更改为Unicode(utf-8),即可正确显示网页。

The problem is: when I select data from mysql using jdbc I convert like this: 问题是:当我使用jdbc从mysql中选择数据时,我这样转换:

    byte[] asciiBytes1 = "Äá»— tiến".getBytes("Cp1258");
    byte[] asciiBytes2 = "Äá»— tiến".getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
    String unicode1 = new String(asciiBytes1, "UTF-8");
    String unicode2 = new String(asciiBytes2, "UTF-8");
    System.out.println(unicode1);//�?ỗ tiến
    System.out.println(unicode2);//Đ�? tiến

as the result, java does not convert properly, I try many encodings in http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/guide/intl/encoding.doc.html , not only Cp1258 and ISO-8859-1, but none works. 结果,java 无法正确转换,我尝试在http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/guide/intl/encoding.doc.html中尝试许多编码,不仅是Cp1258和ISO-8859 -1,但均无效。 The 2 simple method to converting is use html file with Äá»— tiến string as I mention before or using notepad++, set encoding ANSI, paste Äá»— tiến string then change to utf-8, it will displays Đỗ Tiến (is the correct string I want) 转换的2种简单方法是使用html文件,如我前面提到的Äá»— tiến字符串,或使用notepad ++,设置ANSI编码,粘贴Äá»— tiến字符串,然后更改为utf-8,它将显示Đỗ Tiến (是我想要的正确字符串)

That's kinda complicated, it's in modified Windows-1252 where 0x81, 0x8d, 0x8f, 0x90 and 0x9d that are normally not assigned are replaced with respective C1 characters. 这有点复杂,在修改后的Windows-1252中,通常未分配的0x81、0x8d,0x8f,0x90和0x9d被替换为相应的C1字符。 It seems Java doesn't take this into account by default when using Windows-1252. 使用Windows-1252时,默认情况下Java似乎没有考虑到这一点。

It is easiest to just fix your database and use UTF-8 everywhere. 仅修复数据库并在任何地方使用UTF-8都是最容易的。

Here's the code anyway 反正这是代码

public static byte[] getBytesModifiedW1252( String str ) {
    final int[] windows1252 = {
    Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

    for( int i = 0; i < windows1252.length; ++i ) {
        map.put( windows1252[i], i);
    byte replacement = (byte)0x003F;

    byte[] ret = new byte[str.length()];

    for( int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i ) {
        int cp = str.charAt(i);
        Integer w1252 = map.get(cp);
        ret[i] = w1252 == null ? replacement : (byte)(int)w1252;

    return ret;

public static void main(String args[]) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    byte[] bytes = getBytesModifiedW1252( "Äá»— tiến" );
    System.out.println(new String(bytes, "UTF-8"));
    //Đỗ tiến

Here's the opposite: 相反:

public static String getStringModifiedW1252( byte[] bytes ) {

    final int[] windows1252 = {

    StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(bytes.length);

    for( int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i ) {
        ret.append( (char) windows1252[(bytes[i] < 0 ? 256 + bytes[i] : bytes[i] )] );

    return ret.toString();


public static void main(String args[]) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    String str = "Đỗ tiến";
    String w1252 = getStringModifiedW1252( str.getBytes("UTF-8"));
    //Äá»— tiến

You probably want to stash the map and array somewhere instead of creating them when the methods are called 您可能希望将地图和数组存储在某个地方,而不是在调用方法时创建它们

try this 尝试这个

byte[] asciiBytes1 = "Äá»— tiến".getBytes("Cp1258");
byte[] asciiBytes2 = "Äá»— tiến".getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
String unicode1 = new String(asciiBytes1, "Cp1258");
String unicode2 = new String(asciiBytes2, "ISO-8859-1");
System.out.println(unicode1);//�?ỗ tiến
System.out.println(unicode2);//Đ�? tiến

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