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[英]How can I turn off hardware acceleration for certain HTML elements via CSS?

I created a very complex web app using HTML5, CSS3 and jQueryMobile. 我使用HTML5,CSS3和jQueryMobile创建了一个非常复杂的Web应用程序。

It seems like jQueryMobile turns on hardware acceleration here and there via translate3D and/or translateZ . 似乎jQueryMobile通过translate3D和/或translateZ在此处和那里打开硬件加速。

Now I want to turn this off for certain HTML elements. 现在,我想为某些HTML元素关闭此功能。

This gives me two questions: 这给了我两个问题:

  • Is there a css property/attribute or something that I can use to tell the browser to turn off hardware acceleration for certain elements? 是否有CSS属性/属性或可以用来告诉浏览器关闭某些元素的硬件加速功能的东西?
  • If not: I will have to find the places where either translate3D or translateZ is used and simply remove them, right? 如果不是这样:我将必须找到使用translate3DtranslateZ的位置,然后将其删除,对吗? How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点? The whole markup is very complex with many HTML elements. 带有许多HTML元素的整个标记非常复杂。 I can't go through each element in the inspector and search for it. 我无法遍历检查器中的每个元素并进行搜索。

Update: The reason why I want to fix this 更新: 我要解决此问题的原因

In my web app there are some elements which need to be swipeable (eg an image gallery). 在我的Web应用程序中,有些元素需要可滑动(例如,图片库)。 In this case I need hardware acceleration. 在这种情况下,我需要硬件加速。 Same for div containers that require iScroll and every other element which should be animated (eg slide- and fade-animations). 对于需要iScroll和所有其他应设置动画元素(例如,幻灯片动画和淡入淡出的动画)的div容器也是如此。

However, there are many parts of the app which are static (not animated). 但是,应用程序的许多部分都是静态的(非动画)。 Using a special startup option in Safari, I was able to make the parts which get hardware-accelerated visible. 使用Safari中的特殊启动选项,我可以使硬件加速的零件可见。 This way I noticed that THE WHOLE app gets hardware-accelerated, not only the necessary parts. 这样,我注意到,整个应用程序不仅在硬件上得到了加速,而且在硬件上也得到了加速。

IMHO this is not a good thing because: 恕我直言,这不是一件好事,因为:

  • Accelerating the whole thing will cause heavy load to the GPU which makes the whole app stutter while scrolling. 加速整个过程会给GPU带来沉重的负担,这会使整个应用在滚动时变得口吃。
  • AFAIK it's best practice to let the CPU do the static stuff while the GPU only handles all the fancy animated stuff. AFAIK的最佳做法是让CPU处理静态内容,而GPU只处理所有精美的动画内容。
  • When animations have ended, hardware acceleration should be deactived because it's not necessary anymore and would shorten battery lifetime. 动画结束后,应该停用硬件加速,因为不再需要硬件加速,这会缩短电池寿命。

After going through thousands of thousands of lines of CSS code, I found this: 在浏览了成千上万行CSS代码之后,我发现了这一点:

.ui-page{-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden !important}

This was active for all pages and caused the problem. 这对所有页面均有效,并导致了问题。 Removing that line fixed it for me. 删除那条线对我来说很固定。

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