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[英]Fragment cache can't modify frozen object error rails 3

I am trying to implement fragment caching in a Rails 3.0.19 application and ussing dalli as cache store. 我试图在Rails 3.0.19应用程序中实现片段缓存,并将dalli作为缓存存储器。 Here is my cache fragment script: 这是我的缓存片段脚本:

- @presentations.each do |p|
  - cache "presentation", p do
    = render_presentation_object p

render_presetnation_object actually render out specific partial based on some conditions. render_presetnation_object实际上根据某些条件渲染出特定的部分。 I also added a sweeper into my controller. 我还向控制器添加了一个清扫程序。

cache_sweeper :presentation_sweeper, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
caches_action :update 

Here is the code for sweeper: 这是扫地机的代码:

class PresentationSweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper
  observe Presentation

  def after_save(presentation)

  def after_update(presentation)

  def after_destroy(presentation)

  def expire_cache(presentation)
    expire_fragment "presentation", presentation

When I try to update any thing from controller using this code @presentation.update_attributes(params[:presentation]) , it gave an error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (RuntimeError: can't modify frozen object: 当我尝试使用此代码@presentation.update_attributes(params[:presentation])从控制器更新任何东西时,它给出了一个错误ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (RuntimeError: can't modify frozen object:

Is there any thing I am missing out? 有什么我想念的吗?

A gem rack-mini-profiler http://miniprofiler.com/ was doing some run-time changes to AR which was causing the issue. 一个gem rack-mini-profiler http://miniprofiler.com/正在对AR进行运行时更改,这导致了问题。 Removing that gem solved the issue and every thing works great now. 删除该宝石解决了该问题,现在一切正常。

Further to Nazar Hussain's answer. 纳扎尔·侯赛因的答案进一步。 By adding ?pp=disable to the end of your website URL this will disable the miniprofiler which may allow you to test wether it is Miniprofiler causing the issue 通过在网站URL的末尾添加?pp = disable,将禁用miniprofiler,这可以让您测试是否是Miniprofiler引起了问题

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