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C 宏中的#x 是什么意思?

[英]What does #x inside a C macro mean?

For example I have a macro:例如我有一个宏:

#define PRINT(int) printf(#int "%d\n",int)

I kinda know what is the result.我有点知道结果是什么。 But how come #int repersent the whole thing?但是#int 怎么会代表整个事情呢?

I kinda forget this detail.我有点忘记这个细节了。 Can anybody kindely give me a hint?任何人都可以给我一个提示吗?


In this context (applied to a parameter reference in a macro definition), the pound sign means to expand this parameter to the literal text of the argument that was passed to the macro.在这种情况下(应用于宏定义中的参数引用),井号表示将此参数扩展为传递给宏的参数的文字文本。

In this case, if you call PRINT(5) the macro expansion will be printf("5" "%d\n", 5);在这种情况下,如果您调用PRINT(5)宏扩展将是printf("5" "%d\n", 5); which will print 5 5 ;这将打印5 5 not very useful;不是很有用; however if you call PRINT(5+5) the macro expansion will be printf("5+5" "%d\n", 5+5);但是,如果您调用PRINT(5+5)宏扩展将是printf("5+5" "%d\n", 5+5); which will print 5+5 10 , a little less trivial.这将打印5+5 10 ,稍微不那么琐碎。

This very example is explained in this tutorial on the C preprocessor (which, incidentally, is the first Google hit for c macro pound sign ).这个例子在 C 预处理器的教程中进行了解释(顺便说一下,它是谷歌第一次点击c 宏磅符号)。

"#" can show the name of a variable, it's better to define the macro as this: “#”可以显示变量的名称,最好将宏定义为:

#define PRINT(i) printf(#i " = %d\n", i)

and use it like this:并像这样使用它:

int i = 5;

Result shown:结果显示:

i = 5

That is a bad choice of name for the macro parameter, but harmless (thanks dreamlax).这是宏参数名称的错误选择,但无害(感谢dreamlax)。

Basically if i write like so基本上如果我这样写


It will be replaced as它将被替换为

printf("5" "%d\n",5);


printf("5 %d\n",5);

It is a process called Stringification , #int is replaced with a string consisting of its content, 5 -> "5"这是一个称为Stringification的过程,#int 被替换为由其内容组成的字符串,5 -> "5"

'#' is called a stringize operator. '#' 称为字符串化运算符。 Stringize operator puts quotes around the parameter passed and returns a string. Stringize 运算符在传递的参数周围加上引号并返回一个字符串。 It is only used in a marco statements that take the arguments.它仅用于带参数的 marco 语句中。


#define stringLiteral(sl) #sl

int main()
   char StringizeOpreator = 'a'; 
   return 0;

Here the stringLiteral marco takes the formal argument sl and returns #sl .这里stringLiteral marco 接受形式参数sl并返回#sl Actual argument passed is StringizeOpreator variable.传递的实际参数是StringizeOpreator变量。 The return statement #sl has # operator, that puts quotes around the argument like "StringizeOpreator" and returns a string. return 语句#sl#运算符,它在参数周围加上引号,如"StringizeOpreator"并返回一个字符串。

So the output of the above program is the name of the actual parameter 'StringizeOpreator' rather than the value stored in the actual parameter passed.所以上述程序的输出是实参'StringizeOpreator'的名称,而不是传递的实参中存储的值。

output :
exitcode 0

To learn more visit this link: Stringize Operator要了解更多信息,请访问此链接: 字符串化运算符

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