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LINQ 查询为实体数据库中的嵌套对象返回 null

[英]LINQ query returning null for nested objects in Entity DB

I have a database I created using entity code first我首先使用实体​​代码创建了一个数据库

In that DB I have a structure similar to the following在那个数据库中,我有一个类似于以下的结构

class ClassA
  public virtual int ID {get;set}
  public virtual string some_text {get;set}
  public virtual ClassB B {get;set}
  public virtual ClassC C {get;set}

class ClassB
  public virtual int ID {get;set}
  public virtual string some_text {get;set}
  public virtual string some_values {get;set}

class ClassC
  public virtual int ID {get;set}
  public virtual string some_text {get;set}
  public virtual string some_values {get;set}

Finally I have a context for those objects with all of the interface to query the DB最后,我为那些具有所有接口的对象提供了一个上下文来查询数据库

public class ClassADb : DBContext, IClassADataSource
  public DBSet<ClassA> As {get;set}
  public DBSet<ClassB> Bs {get;set}
  public DBSet<ClassC> Cs {get;set}

When I create the DB and explore it I can see that it was created what seems to be correctly:当我创建数据库并探索它时,我可以看到它的创建似乎是正确的:

In the ClassA_Table I see foreign keys for ClassB_ID, ClassC_ID, etc as well as all of the primitive types encapsulated in ClassA (ints, strings, bools, dates, etc)在 ClassA_Table 中,我看到 ClassB_ID、ClassC_ID 等的外键以及封装在 ClassA 中的所有原始类型(整数、字符串、布尔值、日期等)

Also when performing something along the lines of:同样在执行以下操作时:

ClassB MyB = new ClassB();
//some code to initialize B

ClassC MyC = new ClassC();
//some code to initialize C

ClassA MyA = new ClassA();

A.B = MyB;
A.C = MyC;


I again explore the DB and see in Table_A a new row with references to those B and C objects (row id's corresponding to those objects in the B_table , C_table)我再次探索数据库并在 Table_A 中看到一个新行,其中包含对那些 B 和 C 对象的引用(行 ID 对应于 B_table 、C_table 中的那些对象)

The Problem I am having is that when I do a select from As container , I can retrieve the A object but the nested B and C objects are null我遇到的问题是,当我从 As 容器中进行选择时,我可以检索 A 对象,但嵌套的 B 和 C 对象为空

The primitive types are OK (not empty)原始类型正常(非空)

Some fixes I tried我尝试过的一些修复

The virtual keyword is lazy , so in the constructor of the class accessing the database i did virtual关键字是惰性的,所以在访问数据库的类的构造函数中我做了

db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

But still when doing something along the lines of但仍然在做一些事情时

A myA = db.As.Find(1);

A.some_text ; // not null
A.B ; //NULL!!!!
A.C ; // NULL

What is causing the entity framework not to fetch the A and B object?是什么导致实体框架不获取 A 和 B 对象?

You have to explicitly load related entities explicitly using Include() .您必须使用Include()显式加载相关实体。

db.As.Include("B").Include("C").Where(a => [some condition]);

In newer version of the Entity Framework there is also a wrapper method around this method accepting a lambda expression avoiding the strings.在较新版本的实体框架中,此方法还有一个包装方法,该方法接受 lambda 表达式,避免使用字符串。

db.As.Include(a => a.B).Include(a => a.C).Where(a => [some condition]);

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