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使用NEST Field Boosting进行弹性搜索

[英]Elastic Search using NEST Field Boosting

I am using Elastic Search in C# using the NEST strongly typed client. 我正在使用NEST强类型客户端在C#中使用弹性搜索。 I have an index containing Entries: 我有一个包含条目的索引:

[ElasticType(Name = "Entry", IdProperty = "Id")]
public class Entry
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string Award { get; set; }
    public int Year { get; set; }

Where Year is the year of the entry, eg 2012, and Award is the type of Award the Entry won, which can be null. 如果年份是参赛年份,例如2012年,奖励是参赛作品获奖的类型,可以为空。

I then want to search these Entries using boosting for different properties. 然后,我想使用针对不同属性的提升来搜索这些条目。 In the following code, I want results to be ranked higher that match on the Title, than those that match on the Description. 在下面的代码中,我希望结果在Title上的排名高于在Description上匹配的结果。

private IQueryResponse<Entry> GetMatchedEntries(string searchText)
    return _elasticClient.Search<Entry>(
                body =>
                body.Query(q => 
                           q.QueryString(qs => 
                                         qs.OnFieldsWithBoost(d => 
                                                              d.Add(entry => entry.Title, 5.0)
                                                              .Add(entry => entry.Description, 2.0))

I have now been asked to Boost the results by those which have won Awards, and also Boost newer Entries (ie by the Year). 我现在被要求提高获奖者的成绩,并提升新的参赛作品(即年度)。

How do I do this? 我该怎么做呢? Is it something that needs to be done as part of the indexing service, or as part of the search? 它是否需要作为索引服务的一部分或作为搜索的一部分来完成?

You can achieve this through a combination of a boosting query and custom_score query 您可以通过boosting查询和custom_score查询的组合来实现此custom_score

instead of boosting year we alter the score based on the year because: 而不是提高年度,我们根据年份改变分数,因为:

(_score + 2013) > (_score + 1999)

Newer results will float to the top. 较新的结果将浮出水面。

By using a boosting query we can effectively demote results that are missing the award field. 通过使用提升查询,我们可以有效地降低遗漏奖励字段的结果。

see: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/query-dsl/boosting-query.html http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/query-dsl/custom-score-query.html 请参阅: http//www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/query-dsl/boosting-query.html http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/query-dsl/custom-score-query.html

    .Query(q =>q
                        .QueryString(qs => qs
                            .OnFieldsWithBoost(d =>
                                d.Add(entry => entry.Title, 5.0)
                                .Add(entry => entry.Description, 2.0)
                    .Script("_score + doc['year'].value")

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