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[英]Program with FastReport using MyDACDatabase doesn't work

I'm using the MyDACDatabase components to connect my report build with FastReport 4 to my MySQL database. 我正在使用MyDACDatabase组件将使用FastReport 4生成的报表连接到我的MySQL数据库。 I can edit it normally and test in the FastReport designer when using my Delphi's IDE, even compile the application, but when I open the form that have the report, I have the exception Class not found: TFrxMyDACDatabase not found . 使用Delphi的IDE时,我可以正常地对其进行编辑并在FastReport设计器中进行测试,甚至可以编译应用程序,但是当我打开具有该报表的表单时,却遇到了一个例外,即找不到类:TFrxMyDACDatabase not found How can I fix this error? 如何解决此错误?


You should install FastReport X MyDAC Components from MyDAC 5 to be able to use the TfrxMYDACDatabase component. 您应该从MyDAC 5安装FastReport X MyDAC组件,才能使用TfrxMYDACDatabase组件。 For more information please read the ReadMe.txt file in the %MyDAC%\\Demos\\Win32\\ThirdParty\\FastReport\\FRX\\ directory. 有关更多信息,请阅读%MyDAC%\\ Demos \\ Win32 \\ ThirdParty \\ FastReport \\ FRX \\目录中的ReadMe.txt文件。 %MyDAC% is the MyDAC installation path on your computer, X is the version of the Fast Report components that you use. %MyDAC%是计算机上的MyDAC安装路径,X是您使用的Fast Report组件的版本。

(Quoting from Something change in version 5 for tfrxMyDacDatabase (Version 4 no problem) ) (引用tfrxMyDacDatabase版本5中的某些更改(版本4没问题)

The solution is very simple. 解决方案非常简单。 I realised that in the FastReport 4 's tab I have a component named frxMyDACComponents in the pallete that I installed following the instructions in the MyDAC's Demos folder (in my case, placed into C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Devart\\MyDAC for Delphi 7\\Demos\\ThirdParty\\FastReport\\FR4\\ReadMe.txt ). 我意识到,在FastReport 4的选项卡中,我按照MyDAC的Demos文件夹中的说明安装了一个名为frxMyDACComponents的组件,该组件在我的情况下位于C:\\ Users \\ Public \\ Documents \\ Devart \\ MyDAC Delphi 7 \\ Demos \\ ThirdParty \\ FastReport \\ FR4 \\ ReadMe.txt )。 When I placed this component in my form, 2 units were declared in the uses clause: frxDACComponents and frxMYDACComponents . 当我将此组件放入表单时,在uses子句中声明了2个单元: frxDACComponentsfrxMYDACComponents Just that was needed to this problem. 只是需要这个问题。 Thanks for the help of everyone. 感谢大家的帮助。

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