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扩展任务管理器Windows 8

[英]Extending Task Manager Windows 8

I would like to know if there is any way to extend the task manager in a language like C# preferably but i'm also ok with C++, or anything else that works. 我想知道是否有任何方法最好以C#之类的语言来扩展任务管理器,但我也对C ++或其他任何可行的方法都满意。 I would like to add some new features like, search, kill all processes with the same name, and what ever else comes to mind, but i have no idea were to start. 我想添加一些新功能,例如搜索,杀死具有相同名称的所有进程以及其他任何想法,但是我不知道要开始什么。

Note: I don't want to replace it or rewrite it from scratch, just add some new features. 注意:我不想替换它或从头开始重写它,只需添加一些新功能即可。
I also found this link Is it possible to add functionality to Vista/7 taskmgr.exe? 我也发现此链接是否可以向Vista / 7 taskmgr.exe添加功能? but it's for VIsta/7 i'm just hoping something change in 8, considering that it was completely redesigned. 但这是针对VIsta / 7的,我只是希望它在8中有所改变,考虑到它是完全重新设计的。

Thank you 谢谢

If i am correct, what you want to know is if there is a way to extend TaskManager via a plugin based approach( like Office/Ie/Outlook plugins). 如果我是对的,您想知道的是是否有一种方法可以通过基于插件的方法(如Office / Ie / Outlook插件)来扩展TaskManager。 The answer is no. 答案是不。 I however have a different approach which may help you do what you want but would be a lot more work. 但是,我有另一种方法可以帮助您完成所需的工作,但需要做很多工作。 What i suggest is Com interop based injection and override. 我建议基于Com互操作的注入和覆盖。 using Spy++ you can see what are the window classes/properties of the TaskManager window. 使用Spy ++,您可以看到TaskManager窗口的窗口类/属性是什么。 Then you would need to write a program which works minimized(system tray?!) and watches for some identifying window/class name to pop up in the messages system. 然后,您需要编写一个最小化的程序(系统托盘?!),并监视一些标识性的窗口/类名,以在消息系统中弹出。 Windows messages can be intercepted and hooked. Windows消息可以被拦截和挂接。 http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/33459/Spying-Window-Messages-from-the-Inside may be of some help. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/33459/Spying-Window-Messages-from-the-Inside可能会有帮助。
Once you get your window handle. 一旦获得窗口句柄。 you will probably need to find the tabs control group. 您可能需要找到选项卡控制组。 and inject a new tab element. 并注入新的标签元素。 Post which you can put anything which you deem into the tab element. 发布您可以将您认为的任何内容放入tab元素。

This is speculative, and involves the assumption that all the new changes you want to add would end up in a new tab. 这是推测性的,并且假定您要添加的所有新更改都将最终出现在新选项卡中。

I hope this helps you in some way. 希望这对您有所帮助。

PS: The answer is not totally speculative though. PS:答案并不完全是推测性的。 For some internal use at my workplace, I had made a prototype which would do something similar to outlook and override some default functionality which wasn't exposed by the Add in framework per se. 为了在工作场所内部使用,我制作了一个原型,该原型可以执行类似于Outlook的操作,并覆盖了Add in框架本身未提供的某些默认功能。 Beware that this would require lots of testing and was somewhat unreliable/unstable 请注意,这将需要大量测试,并且有些不可靠/不稳定

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