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[英]HTML Form text checked with javascript regular expression

I work on an html form, which I need checked with javascript regex but it is only working if I put in static text. 我使用的是html表单,我需要使用javascript regex进行检查,但是仅当我输入静态文本时它才可以工作。 I need the html form text(input data) to be checked against the regex. 我需要针对正则表达式检查html表单文本(输入数据)。

I have searched for this around, but i can only find people showing examples with static text. 我已经在周围搜索了,但是我只能找到显示带有静态文本示例的人。

Fruther explanation: I don't need help for understanding the regular expressions. 进一步的解释:我不需要帮助来理解正则表达式。 I need to understand how to pass the data, which the user inputs - into the check against the regular expression. 我需要了解如何将用户输入的数据传递到针对正则表达式的检查中。

    function fn() {
    var x=document.getElementById("fname");

    var re = new RegExp("s", "g"); //Here is the expression i am searching for - This i do understand// 
    var result = re.test( ?? ); //Here should go the user input from ((("fname" - var x)))

    if (result == true) {
    var result = $("#result").empty();
    $.post('../search.php',{xv : xv},

    if (result == false) {  
    var result = $("#result").empty();
    result.append("try again");

Do you mean: 你的意思是:

    var re = new RegExp("s", "g");
  **var result = re.test(xv);**
    if (result == true) {


    if (result == false) {  


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