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[英]html5 remove from canvas

This is my first html5 project, getting the gist of it, need a bit of help. 这是我的第一个html5项目,要获得要点,需要一些帮助。 I used a jquery UI slider to send an opacity value to the canvas and it works quite nicely... but I can't get the image to completely turn off when the slider is in the off position with a value of zero. 我使用了一个jQuery UI滑块将不透明度值发送到画布,并且效果很好。但是当滑块处于关闭位置(值为零)时,我无法完全关闭图像。 Here is a fiddle of what I'm trying to do : http://jsfiddle.net/N6wZZ/2/ 这是我正在尝试做的事情: http : //jsfiddle.net/N6wZZ/2/

Here is my JS: 这是我的JS:

    animate: true,
    range: "min",
    value: 0,
    min: 0,
    max: 0.9,
    step: .01,
    create: function (event, ui) { 
        var opacityValue = '0.0';
    slide: function (event, ui) { 
         $('#hiddenField').attr('value', ui.value);
         var opacityValue = $('#hiddenField').val();
         if (opacityValue == 0) {
            var opacityValue = 0;
            var workAroundVar = 300;
            var workAroundVarTwo = 0;
            canvasFunction(opacityValue, workAroundVar, workAroundVarTwo);
        else {
            var workAroundVar = 0;
            var workAroundVarTwo = 300;
            canvasFunction(opacityValue, workAroundVar, workAroundVarTwo);
function canvasFunction(opacityValue, workAroundVar, workAroundVarTwo){
    var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
    var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    var img1 = loadImage('http://moosepic.com/test2.png', main);
    var img2 = loadImage('http://moosepic.com/test.png', main);

    var imagesLoaded = 0;

    function main() {
      imagesLoaded += 1;

      if (imagesLoaded == 2) {
        // composite now
        ctx.drawImage(img1, 0, 0, 300, 300);

          ctx.globalAlpha = opacityValue;
          ctx.drawImage(img2, workAroundVar, workAroundVar, workAroundVarTwo, workAroundVarTwo);


    function loadImage(src, onload) {
      var img = new Image();

      img.onload = onload;
      img.src = src;

      return img;


as you can see I've made a bunch of workarounds to turn off the second image or just knock it out of the canvas. 如您所见,我已经做了很多解决方法以关闭第二个图像或将其从画布上剔除。 Any help would be awesome. 任何帮助都是极好的。

Silas. 西拉斯 I've taken a look at your jsFiddle. 我看了看你的jsFiddle。 I forked it and made some changes/improvements to your approach and I think it accomplishes your goal: 我对它进行了分叉,并对您的方法进行了一些更改/改进,我认为它可以实现您的目标:

http://jsfiddle.net/3LJsX/7/ http://jsfiddle.net/3LJsX/7/

Here is the approach I took (which is pretty close to yours, just some minor differences): 这是我采用的方法(与您的方法非常接近,只有一些细微的差别):

  1. Load our first image 加载我们的第一张图片
  2. Load our second image in the onLoad function of the first image 在第一张图片的onLoad函数中加载第二张图片
  3. Create our slider in the onLoad function of the second image 在第二张图片的onLoad函数中创建滑块
  4. The slider's create and update methods both call the refreshVisuals function which updates the value of the slider div and updates the canvas 滑块的create和update方法都调用refreshVisuals函数,该函数更新滑块div的值并更新画布

A main difference is in the draw function which was called canvasFunction in your example. 主要区别在于draw函数,在您的示例中该函数称为canvasFunction In my draw function, I make sure to: 在我的draw函数中,请确保:

  1. Clear the canvas each time we draw 每次绘制时都要清除画布
  2. Make sure the alpha is at 1 when we draw our first image with the tree 用树绘制第一个图像时,请确保Alpha为1
  3. Draw the tree image 画树图
  4. Update the alpha to be whatever the current value is for the slider 将alpha更新为滑块的当前值
  5. Draw our tiedie image 画我们的领带形象

That should be it! 就是这样! Let me know if you have any questions. 如果您有任何疑问,请告诉我。

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