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[英]Returned JSON in Orientdb Using Function

I tried to execute this code using functions at OrientDB Studio. 我尝试使用OrientDB Studio中的函数执行此代码。

commandResult = db.executeCommand('insert into user (facebookId,instagramId) values ("' + facebookId +'","'+ instagramId +'");

if( commandResult.length == 0){
 response.send(200, "ok", "application/json","{\"success\":\"false\"}");
} else {
  response.send(200, "ok", "application/json","{\"success\":\"true\", \"@rid\" : \"" +  commandResult  + "\"}");

} }

and then it returns like this {"success":"true", "@rid" : "user#11:15{facebookId:df,instagramId:sdf} v1"} 然后像这样返回{"success":"true", "@rid" : "user#11:15{facebookId:df,instagramId:sdf} v1"}

My problem now is i want only to return only the rid value. 我现在的问题是我只想返回rid值。 But the problem is in my second key "user#11:15{facebookId:df,instagramId:sdf} v1" . 但是问题出在我的第二个键"user#11:15{facebookId:df,instagramId:sdf} v1" I don't know how am I going to parse it since the @rid is in the outside of the curly brace. 我不知道该怎么解析,因为@rid位于花括号的外面。

Hope from your positive response. 希望您的积极回应。

Thanks. 谢谢。

You're concatenating strings. 您正在串联字符串。 Use the .toJSON() instead: 使用.toJSON()代替:

response.send(200, "ok", "application/json",
"{ \"success\":\"true\", \"@rid\" : \"" + 
 commandResult.toJSON()  + "\"}");

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