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[英]Cut text in iPhone simulator with UIRoundRectButton- unlike what I see in storyboard

I am creating a simple calculator app, following the tutorials from Stanford - first assignment . 我正在按照斯坦福大学的初次分配的教程创建一个简单的计算器应用程序。

The actual content is not that relevant, the only issue is that I have a UIRoundRectButton in the storyboard, which displays a fixed text (like "sqrt"). 实际的内容并没有那么重要,唯一的问题是我在情节提要中有一个UIRoundRectButton,它显示固定的文本(例如“ sqrt”)。 When I run it in the simulator (iPhone 5, iOS 6) - the text in SOME of the buttons gets cut off. 当我在模拟器(iPhone 5,iOS 6)中运行它时,某些按钮中的文本被截断。

Screenshots: 屏幕截图:


Any help? 有什么帮助吗?

It looks to me like you're designing on a 4 inch xib but running on the 3.5 inch simulator, Autolayout will be pinning your lower buttons to the bottom of the screen and they will be getting squashed. 在我看来,您在4英寸xib上进行设计,但在3.5英寸模拟器上运行,则Autolayout会将您的下部按钮固定在屏幕底部,并且将被压扁。 Try one of: 尝试以下方法之一:

  • Running on the 4 inch simulator (device--> hardware menu) 在4英寸模拟器上运行(设备->硬件菜单)
  • Switch to 3.5inch view in the storyboard (the grey icon on the bottom with the triangles above and below it 切换到情节提要中的3.5英寸视图(底部的灰色图标,上面和下面的三角形
  • turning off Autolayout (on the file inspector of the storyboard) 关闭自动版式(在情节提要的文件检查器上)
  • Defining your constraints properly so they are all relative to the top of the view. 正确定义约束,使它们都相对于视图顶部。

Those tutorials were written before Autolayout and the 4 inch display. 这些教程是在自动版式和4英寸显示屏之前编写的。 You probably just want to focus on the tutorial content at this stage, so the last option is probably too much, but I have a blog post here discussing editing constraints in IB. 您可能只想在此阶段专注于教程内容,所以最后一个选择可能太多了,但是我在这里有一篇博客文章讨论了IB中的编辑约束。


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