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[英]Copy formula across columns

I have a spreadsheet with 4 columns : A, B, C, D. 我有一个包含4列的电子表格:A,B,C,D。

I want to calculate the difference between AB and CD. 我想计算AB和CD之间的差异。 So in cell E2 I enter the formula =A2-B2 , and get the result that I want, which is the difference between AB. 因此,在单元格E2中,我输入公式= A2-B2,并得到我想要的结果,这是AB之间的差异。

Now I drag the formula in E2 to cell F2, expecting that Excel will "think" that now I want the difference between CD. 现在,我将E2中的公式拖动到单元格F2中,期望Excel将“思考”现在我想要CD之间的区别。 However, when I drag the formula from column E to column FI get =B2-C2 (you see, Excel assumes I want to use B2 again). 但是,当我将公式从E列拖动到FI列时,得到= B2-C2(您会看到,Excel假定我想再次使用B2)。

My question is: how can I make Excel “understand” that I want to use =C2-D2 after =A2-B2, and NOT =B2-C2? 我的问题是:如何使Excel“了解”要在= A2-B2和NOT = B2-C2之后使用= C2-D2?

This an abbreviated example. 这是一个简短的示例。 The original data-set has hundred of columns. 原始数据集有数百列。 Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

  1. Enter Formula in E2 在E2中输入公式
  2. Drag the formula up till G2. 将公式向上拖动到G2。 Now G2 will have the formula which you want. 现在,G2将具有您想要的公式。
  3. Delete Col F. Now Col G will move to Col F, which will have your required formula 删除ColF。现在Col G将移至Col F,它将具有您所需的公式

There's no way in the UI that you get Excel to "think" that much - it'll only shift the references by one column if you drag it across. 在用户界面中,您无法使Excel进行太多“思考”-如果将引用拖到另一列,则只能将引用移动一列。 If deleting the columns in between is not an option, you need to rewrite you formula, eg: 如果不能删除中间的列,则需要重写公式,例如:


In this example, it is assumed that you start showing the difference in column L - of course you need to adjust according to your worksheet - but once done, you can drag the formula to the right as far as you need. 在此示例中,假定您开始显示L列中的差异-当然您需要根据工作表进行调整-但是完成后,您可以根据需要将公式向右拖动。

As your original data-set has hundreds of columns, you may want to use a non-volatile formula, eg: 由于原始数据集有数百列,因此您可能需要使用非易失性公式,例如:


This will speed up calculations in the workbook. 这将加快工作簿中的计算。 Depending on how big the data-set is and how many other formulas are in the workbook, the difference in speed could be enormous. 根据数据集的大小以及工作簿中还有多少其他公式,速度差异可能很大。

The same conditions apply as in Peter's example. 同样的条件适用于彼得的例子。

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