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[英]PayPal subscription doesn't happen

This question is not basic so that means i have read some paypal documentation about this. 这个问题不是基本问题,所以这意味着我已经阅读了有关此的一些贝宝文档。 I have attached an image. 我已附上图片。 The problem is that i make a Paypal subscription and while its active and stating that the next payment should be done next day, it doesn't happen, what could be the problem? 问题是我进行了Paypal订阅,并且它处于活动状态并指出第二天应该进行下一次付款,但是没有发生,这可能是什么问题? BTW I am using the sandbox 顺便说一句,我正在使用沙箱 在此处输入图片说明

The sandbox tends to get delayed sometimes, and payments don't occur exactly when they should. 沙盒有时会延迟,付款不会在应有的时候发生。 The production server doesn't have this issue, usually, but it can happen. 生产服务器通常不会出现此问题,但是可能会发生。

From what I can see you've got it setup correctly so it's just a matter of their system kicking in and processing it accordingly. 从我所看到的来看,您已经正确设置了它,因此这只是他们的系统启动并进行相应处理的问题。 Not a lot you can do it about it other than wait. 除了等待之外,您无能为力。

You could post a ticket to www.paypal.com/mts, but by the time they respond the payment will probably go through. 您可以在www.paypal.com/mts上发布票证,但等到他们回复时,付款可能会完成。

You could also call their tech support line, which you can find by logging in to your PayPal account, click Contact Us, then by Phone, and it will give you separate numbers for general and technical support. 您也可以拨打他们的技术支持热线,方法是登录到PayPal帐户,单击“联系我们”,然后通过“电话”找到,它将为您提供单独的常规和技术支持号码。 You can let them know what's going on and they may be able to find what's causing the delay and get it fixed. 您可以让他们知道发生了什么,他们也许能够找到造成延迟的原因并将其修复。

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