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从通用应用程序中排除iPhone 3GS和较旧的iPhone和iPod

[英]Excluding iPhone 3GS and older iPhones and iPods from universal App

I want to achieve the same as the guy in this question but using a universal App. 我希望与这个问题中的人一样,但使用通用应用程序。 That is, including all the iPad versions and all the iPhones and iPods that have retina display. 也就是说,包括所有iPad版本以及所有具有视网膜显示功能的iPhone和iPod。

I think that the keys I need to add to my info.plist file in the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities section are: 我认为我需要添加到UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities部分的info.plist文件中的密钥是:

  • armv7 的ARMv7
  • front-facing-camera~iphone 面向前方的相机〜iphone
  • front-facing-camera~ipod 面向前方的相机〜iPod的

What I'm not sure of is if the ~iphone and ~ipod suffixes are enough to let the system know that I want to include the iPad 1 (which does not have a front Camera) 我不确定的是,如果~iphone和~ipod后缀足以让系统知道我想要包含iPad 1(没有前置摄像头)

Can anyone confirm that this is the correct way to do this? 任何人都可以确认这是正确的方法吗?

The guys at the apple support portal would only point me to the docs and guides, but I haven't found any real example of what I want to do. 苹果支持门户网站上的人只会指出我的文档和指南,但我没有找到任何我想做的真实例子。

You can't use "suffix". 你不能使用“后缀”。 This keys allows you to list 'hardware-like' capabilities that your app needs. 此键允许您列出应用所需的“类似硬件”功能。 So.. let's say: microphone - your app "need" microphone! 那么..让我们说:麦克风 - 你的应用“需要”麦克风! You can't say "I need microphone.. if is iPad"... 你不能说“我需要麦克风..如果是iPad”......

我很确定这会起作用 - 特别是如果有一个front-facing-camera~ipad的键front-facing-camera~ipad

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